Special Messages Behind The Cawapres Clothing In The Second Debate

JAKARTA - fashion observer and fashion designer from Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC) Lisa Fitria dissects each of the three vice presidential candidates participating in the 2024 election, namely serial number 1 Muhaimin Iskandar, serial number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka and serial number 3 Mahfud Md.

They appeared in different clothes in the second debate held by the General Election Commission (KPU) at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on Friday, December 22. Some wear clothes like the first debate, but some choose different clothes. So, through the clothes they wear, what message do the three want to convey?

Starting from Vice Presidential Candidate number 1 Muhaimin Iskandar. Like in the previous debate, Muhaimin appeared formal in a suit, white shirt without a tie with a black cap.

He and Presidential Candidate Number 1 Anies Baswedan consistently display formal styles like state officials in various parts of the world. This appearance was also presented at the first debate on December 12.

"Maybe they want to restore the sense of ancient officials or want to align state officials at the same level as other state officials who wear suit suits as a sign that they are officials," Lisa said as quoted by ANTARA.

Turning to the Vice Presidential Candidate Number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka, which was like in the first debate choosing a light blue shirt, displays a casual impression and that the country's officials are humble or humble. Gibran's outfit is in line with what his partner is wearing Presidential Candidate Number 2 Prabowo Subianto. There is consistency presented by the two, inline with personal branding and branding strategies that they carry.

Lisa argues that this fashion selection is motivated because both are aiming at Gen Millennials and Gen Z. The selection of sky or sea blue colors represents the sky and sea, and is associated with open space, freedom, intuition, imagination, broadness, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents the meaning of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, trust, stability, faith, heaven, and intelligence.

"With the package, it's just a casual shirt to show anti-risk. Because the current generation needs something that is not complicated in every way," said Lisa.

Meanwhile, Vice Presidential Candidate Number 3 Mahfud Md chose Madura clothing which according to Lisa aims to strengthen its origin.

Lisa said the Madura shirt has two layers of its type, namely the priyayi layer and the people's layer. Mahfud's layer is a typical Madura people's dress to show him and the people to build Indonesia.

On the other hand, Presidential Candidate Ganjar Pranowo also appeared in traditional clothing in the debate. Unlike Mahfud, he chose the Rote Tribe, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Speaking of the message she wants to convey, Lisa believes this is a form of the presidential candidate's concern about the diversity of ethnic groups in Indonesia.

"And it seems that he also wants to show Pak Jokowi's success, who always wears traditional clothing from various tribes in Indonesia and has become the center of attention so far," he said, who noted that usually traditional clothing is only used for certain events such as Indonesian Independence Day, Youth Pledge or certain national days.

The meaning of traditional Rote clothing has strong meaning and philosophy. Ti'I lagga hat has a pointed shape depicting the nature of Rote people who tend to be determined. This hat is made from the basic ingredients of dry palm leaves which are believed to be a symbol of authority and a symbol of trust for the men of the Rote Tribe.

"My Feeling will be thematic that is different from every debate event. If the first one is compact, they wear casual sporty clothes with a style of young people to image modern thinking and a vision that is far ahead according to the times as well as positioning to win votes from Gen Z and Millennials," explained Lisa.

The next debate is scheduled to take place on January 7, 2024, then January 21, 2024, and February 4, 2024. Lisa is of the opinion that pairs of numbers 1, 2 and 3 need to be more consistent with their respective styles that are carried out.

He noted that candidate pair number 3, who, if wearing clothes according to the theme in each debate, it is better to maintain different thematics. However, there is a strong meaning in the selection of clothes to be worn later.