How To Overcome Blue Screen In Windows 10 Which Is Installed On Laptops Or Computers

YOGYAKARTA People are advised to know how to overcome blue screen on a laptop or computer installed by Windows. This is because these conditions sometimes occur, including on Windows 10. How to deal with blue screens in Windows 10 itself is quite easy because there are several ways that can be done.

Windows 10 is indeed the most widely used operating system by the public, one of the reasons is because there is an easy way to activate the Windows 10 operating system on a computer or laptop. Although easy, in its use sometimes there are obstacles, namely in the form of a blue screen.

Please note, a blue screen or a blue screen is a condition where the Windows operating system (OS) is experiencing problems. The result is that the device screen is blue and there is a message stating that there is an error.

The cause of blue screen or what is also commonly called screen of death varies, for example there are errors or errors that occur during the Windows 10 update process. Or it can happen suddenly in the middle of use. Technically, this condition is known as a stop error or fatal error system.

In addition, the blue screen trigger on Windows computers can also be due to data errors when the memory is full, the page error due to hardware damage such as RAM, or it can occur due to booting problems due to the wrong jumper position on the hard disk.

Beyond the various possibilities that cause blue screens, when you encounter these conditions there is no need to panic. Some things that can be done to overcome the blue screen in Windows are as follows.

This effort can be made when a laptop or computer installed with Windows suddenly blue screen. After restarting the device, the system usually returns to normal.

If you still can't, try to update all hardware drivers such as graphics cards, chipsets, or storage devices. You can visit the hardware manufacturer website and then look for the latest drivers to install.

In general, a restoring system is a Windows feature that is useful for recovering computers from system malfunctions or other problems. System restoration can also be used to overcome blue screens. How to use a Windows restoring system is as follows.

Viruses and malware can trigger blue screens on Windows. Therefore, users are advised to scan the presence of viruses and malware that may attack the device. Select the latest antiviral program to perform full scans.

Break all hardware connections connected to the computer. This is done to ensure additional devices are not the cause of the blue screen. After that, do the following steps.

Spreading or repair of Windows OS is done with the Windows OS DVD used. This action is taken to help solve the blue screen problem caused by the damaged Windows file. If you don't have experience doing repair, it is recommended to bring a CPU or laptop to the service center.

Overclocking is done to increase the CPU speed above the standard set by the factory. Unfortunately, overclocking has a certain impact, one of which makes the device a blue screen. To overcome this, please return to the default settings.

Blue screen can occur after the user installs new software on the device. Remove the installation on the computer so that there is no blue screen.

Users can re-install the Windows 10 used. This method is a powerful way to overcome the blue screen. But if it still doesn't work, there may be a problem with your computer hardware.

That's information related to how to deal with blue screen in Windows 10. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.