Here's The Figure Of Andika Putrasahadives In The Eyes Of Kerispatih Personnel

JAKARTA - After several personnel were left, Kerispatih is still surviving with three remaining personnel, namely Fandy (vocals), Arief (guitar) and Anton (drums).

Along with a press conference for the release of a single entitled Pesan Rindu, three personnel remaining remember the figure of the late Andika Putrusahadewa, the bassist of Kerispatih who died on April 10, 2018.

Fandy, Arief and Anton agree that their latest song is dedicated to the bassist. They claimed to miss Andika's figure.

Actually, I miss Andika more about her personal figure. You could say that I am the closest to Andika, because we have a close house and usually play together," said Anton during a press conference in Cililitan, East Jakarta, Thursday, December 21.

Anton, who was in Kerispatih from the start, said Andika was one of the personnel who encouraged his friends to be more serious when they were just formed as a band.

Andika is a figure who surrendered one hundred percent to Kerispatih. Fandy, who just joined the band in 2010, said Andika was always honest when judging by the appearance of other personnel.

"Andika, if we have performed, he always gives an honest assessment, if it's bad, you say it's bad, if it's good, it's definitely a good thing," said Fandy.

However, behind all that, Arief said that Andika's figure was also the most enjoyable at Kerispatih. He said the deceased always looked cheerful and likes to joke. Therefore, the Rindu Message was made with a medium beat tempo that seemed more cheerful.

"Andika is a cheerful person, so we don't want the song to be too sad. Indeed, the theme of the song is longing, but longing is more towards moving on," concluded Arief.