Position Of Comfortable Seat On Bus: Here's The Explanation

YOGYAKARTA - Bis is one of the most frequently used public transportation by the public. Starting from city buses with makeshift means to quite luxurious tourism buses. The price of bus tickets is also cheaper than planes. So if we want to travel to a place a bit far away, buses can be the right option. So, what is the position of the seat comfortable on the bus?

"Let the expedition take the bus more easily, we need to know the right position of the seat. It can affect a lot you! If the seat selection is wrong, maybe our expedition will be uncomfortable and even get drunk on land. Let's follow the following method!

1. Seat Near Bus Hall

If you want to sit while stretching your legs, choose a chair close to the bus aisle. We are also more free when we want to get out. By sitting near the aisle, we can tilt our legs so that it is freer.

This position is very appropriate for big people. Because generally, the distance between a chair and a chair in front of it is not that far away, so the legs seem to be depressed. The solution is to sort positions near the aisle. We can also be more free if we want to get out when the bus has reached its destination.

2. Seat behind the driver

If you sit right behind you, we can warn the driver to be on guard if the bus is traveling very fast. This position is also considered very comfortable. Because if a disaster occurs, the driver generally tries to save the passengers closest to him. Another advantage, where are we going?" easy to the driver.

3. Stay Away from the BACK seat and the front one

Avoid the front seat and the last on the bus. Because in the event of a disaster, the passengers sitting there are very vulnerable victims. Of course we don't expect a disaster to occur along the way by bus. But what's wrong with being on guard? Should stay away from the front and rear sofas. Because in general, the collision takes place in that section. Passengers sitting there are also more prone to being victims.

If you sit on the front sofa, we can indeed view the panoramic of nature freely. But for some people, this position makes the head dizzy because you always look at the view on a large scale. If you are one of those who are easily dizzy, stay away from this position.

4. Central row seats

For those who are often drunk on land, the middle row seats are very safe positions. Because in this zone, wheel shocks are relatively not felt.

The wheels are most felt on the front and back of the bus. So if you sit in the middle, we will feel safer. This position is appropriate for people who are easily drunk on the ground. Passengers can also sleep well in the middle because the wheels are not felt so much.

5. The Latest Seat Is Very Delicious According To The Head Of BisMania Community

Chairman of BisMania Community, Zaenal Arifin, advised bus passengers who want to sleep during the trip to sort out the back row of seats. For Zaenal, the back row seats have certain privileges because they can be donated as much as possible because there are no other passenger seats behind them.

"If I am the sleeping connoisseur, the most comfortable seat is behind. To be precise, the chair is on the far left, before the door. Why? Because the chair can be completely reduced back, because there are no other seats," Zaenal told reporters, Tuesday (29/6/2021).

Those are various positions of bus seats that we need to know. Some are safe for some people, but some are not safe. It could be a reference before we buy a bus ticket.

In addition, you must know the cause of the 'Transjakarta Bus' carcass in Duri Kosambi on Fire'.

So after knowing the position of the seat was comfortable on the bus, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!