SPKLU Locations In The Trans Sumatra Toll Rest Area For Christmas And New Year Homecoming

YOGYAKARTA - Several SPKLUs (Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations) have been provided by the government for travelers using electric cars. This service is on the main road for the 2023 Nataru homecoming, one of which is the Trans Sumatra Toll Road. So which SPKLU locations are at the rest area of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road?

There are 6 positions of SPKLU electric cars on the trans Sumatra toll road that you can use for battery charging. That way, for those of you who go home using an electric car, there is no need to be afraid later.

As is known, going home is one of the traditions at the end of the year or approaching Christmas. This moment is used by everyone to gather with their beloved family.

What's more, the government has lifted the 2023 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) throughout Indonesia.

For more details, here are the SPKLU positions of electric cars on the trans Sumatra toll road. Follow more below!

SPKLU Development On The Trans Sumatra Toll Road

In December 2022, PT PLN Lampung's Main Distribution Unit (UID) raised 2 new SPKLUs on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road. The two SPKLUs are located in the Rest Area Kilometer 163 A direction to South Sumatra and the Rest Area Kilometer 172 B towards Bakauheni, South Lampung.

The accumulation of the 2 SPKLUs aims to provide comfort for electric vehicle users. Although this electric vehicle is still new in Indonesia, there are quite a lot of enthusiasts.

Moreover, the government itself urges the public to shift to electric vehicles that are more environmentally friendly. The government has even distributed subsidies for purchasing electric vehicles.

The following is a list of the SPKLU locations for electric cars on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road, for those of you who want to charge the battery of electric vehicles, including:

Rest Area Kilometer 20 B Lampung (Kakauheni Toll Road)

Rest Area Kilometer 49 A Lampung Palembang

Rest Area Kilometer 163 A Central Lampung

Rest Area Kilometer 172 B Tulang Bawang Barat

Rest Area Kilometer 269 Terpekasi (Kayu Agung Bakauheni Toll Road)

Rest Area Kilometer 277 Terpekasi (Kayu Agung Bakauheni Toll Road)

Not only rest areas above, you can also check the SPKLU position in the nearest rest area through the PLN Mobile application. Through the Electric Vehicle menu, you can check the nearest SPKLU during the 2023 Nataru homecoming.

Like that, the list of SPKLU locations for electric cars on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road. Hopefully this information can help those of you who want to go home Nataru 2023-2024 later.

Types Of SPKLU

There are 4 SPKLU categories according to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 1 of 2023 concerning the Provision of Electric Charging Infrastructure for Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles.

The first is slow charging technology or slow charging, in the form of charging electricity at SPKLU with an output of up to 7 kilowatts. Second, medium charging technology with electric refills on SPKLU uses more than 7 kilowatts of up to 22 kilowatts of output.

Third, fast charging technology, is electrical recharging technology at SPKLU with energies of more than 22 kilowatts to 50 kilowatts. Fourth, very fast charging technology (ultrafast charging) is an electric recharging technology in SPKLU using energy of more than 50 kilowatts.

SPKLU Tariff

SPKLU, which uses fast charging technology, is paid a maximum of IDR 25,000. The government also stipulates that SPKLUs that use very fast charging technology (ultrafast charging) are at most IDR 57,000.

However, it is necessary to underline that the payment for the charging service does not include a value added tax (VAT) according to the requirements of the legislation in the tax field.

Not only that, the payment for the service is imposed on battery-based electric vehicle owners for each one charging. This tariff will be added to 11 percent VAT for each fault-based model. For example, SPKLU is an ultrafast charging model, the biggest fee that must be spent is IDR 63,270 after added VAT 11 percent.

In addition, the Government and PLN Alert 624 SPKLUs at 411 Strategic Points to launch the 2024 Christmas and New Year holidays.

So after knowing the location of the SPKLU in the rest area of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!