Blue Light Toska, Mercedes Benz Becomes A PInation Of The Light Marker Of A Level 3 Autonomous Car In The US

JAKARTA - Mercedes-Benz has just received permission to use a blue toska light on the EQS sedan and S-class models as a marker of the activation of the Drive Pilot system, their level 3 autonomous technology.

So the toska blue light, as reported by Car and Driver, August 19, will soon be visible on the streets of California and Nevada, United States. Not just a modification of the ordinary car, this blue toska indicates something revolutionary: a sign that the car is in level 3 autonomous driving mode.

This makes the German manufacturer the first to use this color in Uncle Sam's country.

Drive Pilot itself allows drivers to "hand over" the steering wheel at speeds of up to 64 km/hour. Of course, drivers must remain on standby to take control at any time needed. Mercedes guarantees the system is equipped with automatic brake and steering safety in the event of a failure, ensuring passenger safety until the driver takes control again.

The use of this toska blue light is not only unique, but also has an important purpose. Mercedes hopes that this color can increase the comfort of other road users in the presence of autonomous cars. This light will also help police officers to easily identify the driving status of a car, whether it is being controlled by humans or technology.

The choice of blue toska itself is no joke. In addition to the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) recommendation for active autonomous system markers, Mercedes stated that this color is easily visible and distinguished from vehicle lights and other traffic.

In the future, Mercedes hopes to make the toska blue light a standard marker of mass production autonomous cars around the world. This will certainly smooth the way for future driverless vehicle technology adoption.