School Children And Teachers In Riau Enthusiastically Welcome Face-to-face Learning

JAKARTA - A total of six districts in Riau, namely Kuantan Singingi, Kampar, Siak, Bengkalis, Indragiri Hilir, and Meranti Islands have implemented a limited face-to-face teaching and learning system.

"The limited face-to-face learning for high school and equivalent levels must be in accordance with the Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) of 4 Ministers, namely the Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs regarding Guidelines for Implementation of Learning in the Even Semester of the Academic Year and Academic Year 2020/2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. -19, "said the Head of Riau Provincial Education Office Zul Ikram in his statement in Pekanbaru, reported by Antara, Thursday, February 18.

He said that face-to-face learning was limited, teachers and students enthusiastically followed it, while the teaching and learning process ran smoothly.

The Riau Provincial Government and the Riau COVID-19 Task Force have granted limited face-to-face study permits for the six districts, while other districts and cities are still making preparations.

"For those who haven't yet, are still waiting for recommendations from the COVID-19 Task Force, which are in districts / cities and districts, as well as waiting for administrative completeness," said Zul Ikram.

He emphasized that before students enter the school environment they must wash their hands first. After that, check the body temperature. Students who enter the school environment are also required to wear masks.

Students who enter the class are only 50 percent of the total students in the class, their seats are spaced according to the rules of health protocol. Face-to-face teaching and learning activities are arranged into two aspects.

"In addition to the limited face-to-face study recommendation according to the Ministerial Decree 4, the COVID-19 Task Force must be carried out according to regulations, such as study hours, number of students who can attend, to the number of students allowed to enter in one day," he said.

Although the decision to study face-to-face is limited to each regional head, he said, regions with the red zone will not receive a recommendation from the COVID-19 Task Force.

Sekda Bengkalis Bustami HY said that SMAN 1 Bengkalis had started face-to-face learning, but asked teachers and students to commit to breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19 to prevent school clusters.

"If there is a school cluster related to COVID-19, the face-to-face learning process will not be carried out. For this reason, it is hoped that it will adhere to health protocols, namely wearing a mask, maintaining distance, and washing hands with running water and checking the temperature of students with a thermogun. "he said.

When they come home from school, he said, students will go straight to their respective homes and should not crowd because they cause new clusters.