5 How To Create A Persona Buyer, A Fictitious Profile That Represents Consumer Targets

YOGYAKARTA How to make a persona buyer is an important thing that business people must know. Because the persona buyer can identify the wishes of customers or consumers.

You need to know, every newly built business must be based on consumer wishes in order to get a clear target market.

If there is no clear market target, then a business will be difficult to develop.

Well, by building a persona buyer, it will be easier for businesses to find ideal targels from consumers, so that businesses can run smoothly.

So, what is a persona buyer? How to build a persona buyer? The answer to this question can be seen in the following article.

Buyer persona is a fictitious profile created based on research to represent consumer targets. Usually, this is done by making customer profiles as if they were real.

In creating a fictitious profile, there is some information needed, such as:

In addition to the three information groups above, business people also added it by conducting interviews with potential customers so that the results were more specific.

Building a persona buyer can provide many benefits for businesses, including:

To be able to create a persona buyer, there are several stages that must be passed, such as:

1. Consumer research

Cara membuat buyer persona yang pertama adalah karya seluruh pelanggan yang pernah membeli produk atau menggunakan jasa yang Anda bernawarkan.

Explore deep information about gender, age, income, place to live, shopping habits, and various things to understand potential customers.

This information can be obtained through surveys, interviews, focus frustration discussions, or other methods.

2. Identify the problems faced by consumers

The problems faced by consumers in the context of making persona buyers are called pain points.

In pain points, business people must be able to identify what problems or obstacles are faced by potential consumers.

The process of identifying problems faced by consumers can be done through surveys, interviews, FGD, testimonials, and so on.

3. Identify consumer goals

Cara membuat buyer persona yang selanjutnya adalah dengan mendetifikasi tujuan yang ingin diraih oleh kosumen.

Every consumer certainly has a goal in choosing and buying a product. By identifying consumer goals, business people can adjust the features, services, content, or products themselves.

This step allows the success of marketing and selling the products offered.

4. Understand how your business can help consumers

If you have succeeded in identifying the customer's problems and goals, the next way to make a persona buyer is to understand how your business can help customers or consumers.

Explore more information about what benefits your business can provide to consumers. Keep for a moment about the features to be provided. That way, you can find out how your business can help consumers.

5. Change the data that has been collected into a persona buyer

Cara membuat buyer persona yang terakhir adalah mengubah data yang terkumpul menjadi buyer persona.

For example, you identify 23-year-old female customers who live in the city and need workers. Enter that data into a list of Persona buyers to make it easier for you to create content, develop products, and others.

That's the information on how to make a persona buyer. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.