How To Distinguish Legal And Illegal Loans According To OJK, Understand The Characteristics

YOGYAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) reminds the public to understand the differences in legal and illegal online loans. Illegal loans still appear and tease the public to use easy money loan services. So how do you distinguish legal and illegal loans according to the OJK?

The growth of illegal loans is certainly very disturbing and can mislead the public. Illegal loans usually offer money loan services with easy requirements. However, it is not uncommon for unlicensed loan users to experience losses because the interest is quite large and unethical when billing.

So for people who want to use online loan services, make sure to choose a legal or official loan in OJK supervision. That's why it's important for you to know how to distinguish legal and illegal loans according to the OJK from being deceived.

By using a legal loan service, people can get money loans with a safer process. The loan user community can avoid debt snares and unethical practices during collection.

However, with so many lending platforms, people often have difficulty distinguishing between safe and non-secured loans. OJK provides guidance to the public on how to distinguish legal and illegal online loans from losses.

Here are a number of characteristics of illegal online loan services that you must understand:

One of the clearest signs of illegal lending is that the service is not registered or has not been licensed by the OJK. This loan does not have a permit or registration from the Financial Services Authority.

Illegal loans usually use short messages or WhatsApp platforms in submitting loan offers to potential consumers.

Another characteristic of illegal lending is the process of providing loans that are very easy and tend to be insensitive. Illegal loans usually provide convenience in the requirements and registration process to attract consumers.

Illegal online loans usually impose unclear or opaque rules, be it in terms of interest, loan fees, and fines.

Other characteristics of illegal borrowing that are familiar to many people are the unethical mechanism or process of collection. Illegal loans often take threatening, intimidating actions, and harass consumers who cannot pay bills.

Illegal loans are usually also not providing complaint services, so consumers who experience problems or difficulties cannot submit their complaints.

Another sign from illegal loans is that the identity of the management and office address is unclear. Illegal loans usually do not show information about the identity of the company's management and address.

Another characteristic of illegal borrowing that needs to be watched out for is the security of user data or consumers. Illegal loans often ask for access to all personal data on their borrower devices.

Pihak yang melakukan penagihan dalam pinjol ilegal biasanya tidak memiliki sertifikasi penagihan dari Asosiasi Fintech Pendanaan Bersama Indonesia (AFPI).

Here are a number of legal online loan characteristics that you need to know:

The legal loan has received an official permit and registration from the Kekuangan Services Authority, so that security is guaranteed.

Pinjol legal does not make offers through private communication channels, such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

Legal online loan services enforce a rigorous selection process before providing loans to consumers or users.

The rules in legal loans are very clear and transparent, both regarding interest, loan costs, and other provisions.

A borrower in a legal loan cannot pay after 90 days of logging into the Fintech Data Center blacklist.

Pinjol legally provides complaint services for borrowers or users to submit complaints or difficulties faced.

Unlike illegal loans, legal online loans do not access personal data carelessly. So legal lending users can be more calm about the security of their personal data.

Pihak yang melakukan penagihan pada layanan pinjol legal wajib memiliki sertifikasi penagihan dari AFPI.

That's how to distinguish legal and illegal loans according to the OJK in order to avoid fraud and losses. Also read the article on how to check ID cards are used by loans or not to be aware of the use of your personal data.

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