BI Records Foreign Capital Flow On The Second Week Of December 2023 Capai Rp6.82 Trillion

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) noted that foreign capital flows entered the domestic financial market amounting to IDR 6.82 trillion during the period 11-14 December 2023.

"Based on transaction data from 11'14 December 2023, non-residents in the domestic financial market have purchased a net of IDR 6.82 trillion," said Head of the Communications Department of Bank Indonesia Erwin Haryono in an official statement, Saturday, December 16.

Erwin explained, this value consists of buying net into the State Securities (SBN) market amounting to Rp3.98 trillion and buying net in the stock market worth Rp0.34 trillion.

In addition, BI also noted that non-residents bought net worth IDR 2.5 trillion in Bank Indonesia's Rupiah Securities (SRBI).

As for 2023 or until December 14, 2023, BI recorded a net purchase of IDR 76.66 trillion in the SBN market and a net sale of IDR 17.56 trillion in the stock market and a net purchase of IDR 45.35 trillion in SRBI.

Furthermore, Erwin said that the premium investment risk or premium credit default swaps (CDS) in Indonesia 5 years as of December 14, 2023 was 68.24 basis points (bps), down compared to December 8, 2023, which was recorded at 72.85 bps.

Meanwhile, Indonesia's yield or yield SBN tenor of 10 years on Friday, December 15 fell to 6.59 percent from 6.72% on Thursday, December 14. Likewise with the yield of US bonds aka the 10-year US Treasury Note tenor which weakened to the level of 3.921 percent

On the other hand, the rupiah exchange rate on Friday, December 15 strengthened at the start of trading to the level of IDR 15,500 per US dollar, compared to the position at the close of trading on Thursday, December 14 at the level of IDR 15,655 per US dollar. Meanwhile, the US dollar index weakened to the level of 101.96 at the end of trading Thursday, December 14.

Erwin said that in this case BI in the future will continue to strengthen coordination with the government and relevant authorities, as well as optimize policy mix strategies to maintain macroeconomic and financial system stability in order to support further economic recovery.