Alone But Highly Artistic, Here's What You Need To Know About ISFPs

JAKARTA - ISFP stands for introversion, sensing, feeling and perceiving. In the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the ISFP type is known as the adventurer type. It is said that because this type is very happy to explore various types of social conventions and with their talents transforming them into a work that is rich in ethical and aesthetic values.

The four words in the ISFP can be read with a rule: introversion (the way a person focuses), sensing (the way a person perceives information from the outside), feeling (the way a person draws conclusions and makes decisions), and perceiving (shows one's life pattern).

Thus the ISFP type is an introvert. They will appear quiet, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. But they focus on the details and focus more on the present moment. They have a high sensitivity, meticulous, especially on sounds, tastes, feelings, and smells. So, their lives are always filled with sensations.

That is what makes most of the ISFP personality types become true artists, no matter what art they are involved in. Her high sensitivity will help her feel what the average person can't. His thoroughness makes him able to see things that rarely catch people's attention.

In addition, an ISFP has a high sensitivity to the feelings of others. They are friendly, sensitive, humble, flexible, and don't like to stand out. They care about others and are always service oriented. Even an ISFP is not interested in being a leader because they don't like controlling others.

Another thing that supports an ISFP to become an artist is his instincts who are very interested in beauty and aesthetics. They will love to appreciate the beauty of nature and tend to like animals.

All of the above are important factors why an ISFP can become an artist and create works that can inspire other people's feelings.

In addition, an ISFP also has values that are firmly held and consistent with the values they believe in. They also prefer to work in a place where they are free to express themselves. They enjoy working freely towards personal goals.

Socially, an ISFP is someone who wants to live freely. They like to confuse traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior. And just as he does not want to control others, an ISFP does not want to be controlled by others.

An ISFP's social relationship with his / her society is more reflected in the ideas that are reflected in the works. They also enjoy reinterpreting the relationship, rediscovering and experimenting with themselves and new perspectives. No other personality type explores and experiments in this way more than they do.

Although an ISFP likes to be aloof and aloof from the attention of others, this amazes those around him. But just because they are alone doesn't mean that people with this personality type are just sitting there. They use this time to introspect, assess and re-evaluate their principles.

An ISFP prefers to reflect and think about who they are. What's interesting is that they don't dwell on the past or the future, but they focus on this time or moment. They are always busy finding ways to fulfill their passions.

An independent and original ISFP who needs personal space. Others who do not know the ISFP well will perceive them as people who don't care about their own lives. In fact, an ISFP cares deeply and thinks seriously about their life.

Even though they like to be alone, this does not mean that an ISFP does not hang out in their environment. They are classified as quick to adapt to the environment and act better than most of the others. His friendly personality also has a very attractive charm to his surroundings.

But don't try to make criticism that might offend him. Some of them handle well-crafted criticism, seeing it as another perspective to push their passions in new directions. But if the criticism is more offensive and immature, they can get angry in an extraordinary way.

But the bright side is that an ISFP is not a vengeful person. When a problem has passed they will have a tendency to assume the past should be passed and then continue everything as if nothing had happened.

The last thing that may be characteristic of an ISFP is that they are uncomfortable with theories and concepts. But make no mistake, if those theories and concepts have a workable application, they will. In addition, when studying, an ISFP can easily get bored in the traditional way.

ISFP Personality Traits

To identify people with the ISFP personality, you can observe it by following the traits of an ISFP.

1. An ISFP has a simple and practical mindset. They are friendly, sensitive, humble, flexible, and don't like to stand out.

2. When faced with a variety of choices, an ISFP often delays making a decision. He will wait to see if there will be changes or maybe new options will emerge that are even better.

3. As much as possible an ISFP will avoid conflict. They prefer not to impose their beliefs or opinions on others.

4. As an introvert, people with an ISFP need time alone after spending time with other people. When alone, he is recharging his body's energy. In addition, an ISFP also prefers to hang out with friends, family, and truly close people than with large crowds that he or she doesn't know very well.

5. The ISFP is trustworthy and loyal, especially to those whom they feel important to them. ISFPs are individualistic, they don't like to lead or have followers.

6. An ISFP readily understands the feelings of other individuals and tries to help them rise and minimize conflict.

7. Being concerned about the feelings of other individuals, they use their creativity to speak to other people's hearts. Their imaginative and curious soul will help an ISFP in unexpected ways.

8. ISFPs can be shy and feeling at times, but if they find something they are interested in, they will leave out the rest.

9. An ISFP is curious or curious about things they enjoy about art or humanity.

10. ISFPs are able to demonstrate their creativity in real terms and beauty. Whether it's writing a song, painting, or presenting statistics on a graphic, an ISFP is able to visualize something that can move the hearts of the audience.

11. When there is a problem, people with the ISFP type will take it seriously. You can identify people with ISFP personalities by their characteristics of being quiet and calm. However, once the ISFP gets to know you well, they will open up more.

12. An ISFP often pays attention through actions rather than mere words. They do not like ordinary things, routine tasks are disliked unless it is necessary.

13. An ISFP can be very observant and meticulous in details and details. He can be a good observer of the things that are around him.

14. The ISFP dislikes things that are too theoretical. He prefers things that are practical and can be done immediately to solve an existing situation or situation. If something is too complicated or complicated to do, he will look for a solution or another way out.

The Pros and Cons of an ISFP

At this point, what you may hear from an ISFP is its strengths. But that doesn't mean they don't have flaws. Just as something must have advantages and disadvantages. The following will mention more specifically the strengths of an ISFP and its drawbacks.

The strengths of an ISFP:

1. An ISFP is pretty much liked by those around him. They are popular because they are warm and relaxed people. ISFPs understand the feelings of others, they will try to help others get up.

2. ISFPs are imaginative, they will use their creativity to talk to other people. The ISFP's curiosity and imagination will make them unpredictable.

3. Sometimes, the ISFP is sensitive and shy, but when they find something interesting, they can leave out anything else. The ISFP's curiosity is focused on what they love, to do with humanity or the arts.

4. The creativity of an ISFP can be demonstrated in a tangible and beautiful form. They can write songs, compose poetry, paint, or present statistical data in a chart. The ISFP personality type can visualize something that will move a person's heart.

Weaknesses of an ISFP:

1. ISFPs have a priority to express themselves freely. Rules and traditions can suppress the ISFP's personality.

2. An ISFP is not very fond of long-term planning and commitment. If they can, they prefer to avoid planning for the future. This sometimes becomes an obstacle for them to build relationships with the opposite sex and financial plans for the future.

3. People with the ISFP personality type live emotionally. If the situation occurs out of control, they will fall very easily, causing a loss of their characteristics and creativity.

4. When starting a business, sometimes the ISFP was not successful, especially when it was still early days. If they failed, in their view something would go bad. They need support when they are down.

5. An ISFP can easily turn small things into competition, knocking out their successes to win at one time. They will be unhappy if they lose.

Personal Development Suggestions for an ISFP

Now if you feel like an ISFP, there are a number of things you can do to improve your personality for the better.

1. You need to hone your strengths, especially in the artistic and creative fields. With strength that has been honed, you can help others in need.

2. The ISFP needs to understand and understand its weaknesses. Understanding weakness does not mean changing oneself. This can actually lead to better self.

3. Don't worry about it and don't be afraid when you are rejected and when you get into a conflict. You don't need to please everyone around you.

4. From now on, try to think about what will happen if you make a decision. Think about the long-term repercussions when you make small decisions.

5. Try to express yourself, take out what's in your feelings, not even keep it to yourself. Trying to build up negative feelings in your heart is not good for you.

6. Learn to be a good listener, try to listen more. Don't rush to reject something, you need to listen to other people's explanations.

7. When other people give only a few responses does not mean that the person is giving a negative response. So no need to make assumptions with your own thoughts. If you really want a response but don't get it, then immediately ask the person.

8. Develop skills in terms of art and your creative side, this can be a great asset for you.

A few other things regarding the ISFP

By looking at the various personality traits of an ISFP, experts predict that an ISFP will match other ESFJ or ENFJ personalities. ESFJ stands for Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. While ENFJ stands for Extrovert, Intuition, Feeling, Judging.

How can you identify an ESFJ or ENFJ. As with the ISFP, discussing scientific theory or debating international politics is of little interest to the ESFJ. An ESFJ will be more concerned with obvious practical problems, including improving their social status and observing others.

For ESFJs, keeping abreast of what is happening around them is a daily necessity. But ESFJs do their best to harness their strengths for good. Additionally, ESFJs are altruists and they take their responsibility to help and do good things seriously.

Meanwhile, the ENFJ is a leader figure. They are full of passion and charisma. Only about two percent of the population, these personalities are often our politicians, coaches and teachers, supporting and inspiring others to excel and do good in this world.

Unlike the ISFP, with their natural self-confidence that engenders, ENFJs take great pride and pleasure in guiding others to work together to improve them and their communities. It also seems that people are strongly attracted to the ENFJ personality, who exude authenticity, care and concern for others.

Not only is the type of friend suitable for an ISFP, experts also estimate the right job for an ISFP, namely actors, musicians, arts workers, hospitality workers, designers, teachers, counselors, social workers, entrepreneurs, psychologists, and artists.

Meanwhile, famous figures with ISFP personalities include: Kevin Costner, Avril Lavigne, Michael Jackson, Brithney Spears, Lana Del Rey, Jessica Alba, Joss Stone, Auguste Rodin, Barbara Streisand, Elizabeth Taylor, Fred Astaire, Marie Antoinette, Marilyn Monroe, Paul McCartney, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Victoria Azarenka.

Thus the discussion about the ISFP personality type, hopefully it will be useful to improve your personality for the better.