Annoyed By The Voice Of Recitation, Imam Musala Was Threatened With Sharp Weapons In Kramat Jati, East Jakarta

JAKARTA - Annoyed by the voice of recitation and the voice of leading prayers, the imam of Musala Baitul Huda, Batu Ampar Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, was threatened by a sharp armed man.

"From the results of the police interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that he intended to injure the victim on the grounds that when he heard the voice of recitation from the victim and the voice when the victim was leading the prayer, the perpetrator felt that he was not calm and restless," said Kramat Jati Police Chief, Kompol Rusit Malaka, Saturday, December 16, 2023.

"So the perpetrator planned to injure the victim using a kitchen knife which he took from the kitchen of the house," continued Rusit.

According to family information, the perpetrator with the initials MAA often kept quiet andonged. He several times complained that he liked to hear the sounds of noisy whispers around him.

Rusit explained that the initial incident occurred on Friday, December 15, 2023, at around 19.30 WIB. The perpetrator was at his house close to Musala Baitul Huda, Batu Ampar, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the victim had just finished being the imam of the Isha prayer at the prayer room. At around 19:40 WIB, the perpetrator then took a kitchen knife from his house and kept it on the left side of the waist. He then walked to Musala Baitul Huda with the intention of looking for the priest who led the Isha prayer earlier.

The police have confiscated a kitchen knife used by the perpetrator and secured the perpetrator with the initials MAA.

Perpetrators are entangled in threatening crimes and found carrying sharp weapons without rights as referred to in Article 335 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and Article 2 Paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951.