Anti-Hassle, Here Are Practical Tips For Moving Houses

JAKARTA - Recently, Sumurgeneng Tuban Village went viral regarding land acquisition issues. Local residents are known to have sold their land to Pertamina, the Grass Root Refinery (GRR) for an oil refinery construction project. The land for sale is in the form of rice fields, empty land, and there is also land with houses.

Perhaps the preparation is easy for Sumurgeneng residents who sell rice fields and vacant land. However, it was a different story with residents selling their land and houses. Because, like it or not he had to move to a new house.

Moving house becomes a draining activity. Especially when you have to pack and move things. Not to mention that after arriving at your new home, you need time to put these things back together.

The process of moving house cannot be done in a short time, especially if you have a lot of items. At least it takes about 3-4 weeks of preparation for this. The energy is definitely drained. However, if you have prepared in advance, of course this activity will feel light.

So, so that you can be more relaxed about this process, here VOI provides practical tips that you can apply before moving house, as reported by the Freshome page, Thursday, February 18.

Prepare utensils

Before starting to pack, it would be a good idea to prepare some tools that help smooth the process of packing goods such as cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, Styrofoam, and other tools.

For cardboard boxes, you can use unused boxes from stalls or shops around the house. Try to be brave enough to ask the shop owner. If allowed, choose sturdy cardboard so that items can be stored safely and well during the moving house process.

Make a list of items brought when moving

The basic tips for moving house are to make a list of items to bring when moving house. Create a simple recording system by numbering items and boxes. Later, you only need to place the items according to the cardboard number. Even though it sounds like a hassle, this trick really helps you when you want to organize your things when you arrive at your new home.

Take advantage of large furniture to store items

To save cardboard, you can take advantage of large furniture such as wardrobes or drawers to store items. You can put blankets, pillows, bed sheets, small things, and clothes that still need to be hung in the closet.

Throw away unused items

Packing can be a moment where you realize how many items you have so far. For that, try to sort out which items are still used and which should be thrown away.

If the unused item is still fit for use, try selling it or donating it. Apart from reducing luggage, you can also make money or help other people through these items.

Put priority items in their own bag

Busyness arranging things, can make you forget to put personal important items. So that this does not happen, try to put money, passports, important documents, and even jewelry in special bags or storage boxes that are easily accessible.

Avoid buying groceries a week before moving out

The next housewarming tip is not to overfill the refrigerator a week before moving. Cook with ingredients to taste. If the supply runs out, you can order food from outside until the day of the move arrives.

Pay attention to glassware

To keep it safe, pack fragile items, such as plates, cups, flower pots and others using double styrofoam and bubble wrap that are put in cardboard.

Take advantage of the extra power

If you find it difficult to pack large items, such as safes, mattresses, pianos, cabinets, and desks, contact your moving truck rental shop to arrange additional personnel to help you pack.