MLFF Trial On Bali Toll Road Confirmed Not To Disturb Traffic Flow Ahead Of Nataru Holiday

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has confirmed that the trial of implementing the Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) or payment of non-stop toll roads on the Bali Mandara Toll Road will not interfere with traffic flow, especially ahead of the momentum of the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays.

Director General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR Hedy Rahadian said that the current trial is only applied in one lane.

"So, we are indeed conducting a trial. We convey that this trial is only applied in one lane, which is usually a lane for urgent or emergency purposes," Hedy said at the Nataru Preparation press conference "The Nataru Road Settings Scheme and Alternative & Toll Road Readiness which was held online on Friday, December 15.

Hedy also emphasized that the trial would not interfere with the functioning of other toll gates. This is because the Ministry of PUPR only uses one lane for MLFF trials.

"So, it will not interfere with the entire function of toll gates in Bali Mandara," he added.

The MLFF is the latest technology in the world that processes payments automatically for vehicles passing on toll roads.

Through this technology, toll road users can enter and leave without having to stop to pay.

This is possible because MLFF uses System Satellite Global Navigation (GNSS) technology, which is a system that allows transactions through applications on smartphones and reads via satellite, so that readers' tools on every place on toll roads such as RFID-based technology provide more effective cost solutions.