Endah Widiastuti Is Not Worried That AI Will Threaten Her Creativity

JAKARTA - The existence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the process of creating and producing musical works is an interesting discussion. The reason is, there are differences of views that seem to make musicians on two opposing sides, refusing and supporting.

Endah Widiastuti as a musician and songwriter said the impact of using AI in music still had to be studied further.

"For me, I still can't say it's good or bad, because there's still a lot to look at," Endah said when contacted by VOI on Wednesday, December 13.

Endah is not worried that the emergence of AI will threaten her creativity as a musician. Although she has never really used it, she sees that Indonesian musicians use AI only as a tool to help the process of creating and producing music.

However, the vocalist from the duo Endah N Rhesa highlighted the possibility of musicians who depend entirely on AI. According to him, as musicians who have been in the process for decades, there are problems if songwriters are only outcome-oriented.

"If I'm not afraid of being an artist, with AI. Because I've been working and doing this all year long. In fact, I don't know this impact, when for example there are people who might use AI and claim to be songwriters, whether it will have an impact on them from a psychological point of view or creativity," said Endah.

The pleasure of processing with AI and without AI is different. Maybe if AI is oriented towards results, but without AI it is process-oriented. So, there is a process to go towards results. Well, this process allows me as an artist to learn a lot. So, there is satisfaction not only in the results, but also in the process, "he continued.

Another thing that Endah also highlighted was the possibility of copyright infringement. However, this must also be studied further.

"Indeed, it is still controversial, but if you say threatening it, you need a lot of future studies," he said.

According to Endah, the real impact of AI on music can be known for the next 20 years. He sees musicians in his generation music by going through various processes, and seems to still use AI as a tool to help.

However, in the next generation, it is not impossible if musicians or songwriters do not go through the process, although it is also open to the possibility of AI making the music industry better.

"It's just that I don't know the impact for the current generation, which maybe they don't go through the process and go directly to AI. That can only be seen in the next 20 years. If I don't feel threatened myself, because in my opinion it's a different thing, in satisfaction and orientation of its use. And I feel there is no threat at all, "said Endah.

"But if there are threats in other things, I don't know if there is a psychological side, a legal problem and creativity in the future. That needs to be seen. We don't know what will happen in the future," he concluded.