Secure Fuel Stock, Pertamina Forms Christmas Task Force 2023 And New Year 2024

PT Pertamina (Persero) formed the 2024 Christmas and New Year's Task Force (Nataru) to ensure the availability of fuel oil (BBM) supplies for people throughout Indonesia, during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays.

The period for the Nataru Pertamina Task Force starts from December 15, 2023 to January 7, 2024.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina (Persero) Fadjar Djoko Santoso said Pertamina Group is ready to serve the community in celebrating Christmas and New Year's 2024. The Nataru Task Force serves in all operational lines, from upstream, processing downstream.

Based on data from the Ministry of Transportation, the potential movement of the community during the 2023-2024 Nataru holiday is predicted to reach 107.63 million people. In detail, around 87.19 million people by land, 13.38 million people using air or aircraft lines, and 10.64 million people using sea or ship routes.

Furthermore, Fadjar also said Pertamina had coordinated with the central and regional governments, other SOEs, as well as the TNI and Polri to ensure the energy distribution runs safely and smoothly.

"The Nataru Task Force will work from December 15, 2023 to January 7, 2024. Pertamina is on standby 24 hours to ensure energy supply and maintain smooth energy distribution with support and cooperation with relevant agencies," said Fadjar at the 2023 Nataru preparation press conference, at SPPU Abdul Muis, Jakarta, Thursday, December 14.

On the upstream side, continued Fadjar, through PT Pertamina Hulu Energi and its subsidiaries, it continues to maintain oil and gas production according to the target. As a result, upstream oil and gas production reaches 1,044 MBOEPD (Ribu Barel Oil Equivalence or Oil Equivalence per day) or more than 1 million barrels of oil per day. This is an achievement of 42 managed blocks.

Di sisi pengolahan, melalui PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional telah mengamankan stok minyak dalam posisi yang aman dengan kapasitas pengolahan mencapai 1 juta barrel per hari. Seluruh produksi kilang baik gasoline, gasoil dan avtur semuanya di atas target antara 12 persen.

"Pertamina has also been on standby to distribute energy by providing 329 ships ranging from fuel carriers, LPG, Avtur to Crude Oil both domestically and internationally operated by PT Pertamina International Shipping," he said.

Furthermore, Fadjar said that nationally the stock of fuel, LPG and Avtur is currently in a safe condition and all infrastructure has been alerted, which includes 115 fuel terminals, 30 LPG terminals, more than 7,400 gas stations, 48,000 agents per LPG outlet, and 71 Aircraft Charging Depots (DPPU).

During the Nataru Task Force, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga as a commercial & trading subholding has provided supporting energy services on potential routes including toll roads, tourist routes, and main routes, in the form of Alert gas stations, LPG Alert Agents and outlets, 48 Kiosk Pertamina Alert, 185 Motorist, 202 tank cars stand by (SPBU Pocket), and health facilities as well as rest facilities around rest areas and tourist sites.

In addition, Pertamina through Subholding Gas, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk, has also anticipated gas needs which are estimated to reach 976 BBTUD (billion British thermal units per day) during the Nataru period.

"Pertamina guarantees distribution of natural gas to 3,019 Commercial and Industrial customers, 1,967 Small customers, and 834,165 household customers," he said.

At the same time Pertamina also optimizes natural gas infrastructure for power plants as well as maintaining distribution for transportation customers by maintaining a capacity of 177,750 LSP (premium equivalent liters) for Gas Fuel, SPBG and MRU.

Pertamina through Pertamina New & Renewable Energy (Pertamina NRE) also ensures that electricity supply from new and renewable energy is stable during this period. Pertamina currently manages a generating capacity of 672.5 MW.

To support the smooth movement of the community, Pertamina also increased the number of flights for Pelita Air commercial aircraft to 11 units. Passenger capacity also increased from 220,000 to 241,000 per month. Pelita Air serves the community for the Jakarta route to Padang, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin and Sorong.