9 Goods That Should Not Be Stored In A Motor Bag, Check The List!

YOGYAKARTA Currently, the newest motors are equipped with a fairly large trunk. The presence of motor trunk makes it easier for motorcyclists to store their necessities. Unfortunately, not all items can be stored in the trunk of the motorbike. So, what items are not allowed to be stored in the motorcycle seat? Come on, see more information in the following article.

Goods that should not be stored in the motorcycle seat are goods that have the potential to be damaged and which can cause bad things in motorized vehicles.

Summarized from various sources, here are a series of items that should not be stored in the motorcycle seat:

1. Raincoats that are still wet

Goods that should not be stored in the trunk of the first motorbike are raincoats that are still wet. This habit is very often done by motorists, especially during the rainy season.

Raincoats that are still wet should not be stored or placed in the trunk of a hot motorbike. In particular, for raincoats with polyester and gore tech.

Storing a wet raincoat in a hot trunk can make the raincoat damaged quickly. To prevent damage, you should dry it first after it is used, then it is stored again.

2. Bottles of glass filled with alcohol or other harmful liquid

The items that should not be stored in the trunk of the next motorbike are glass bottles containing liquid. Moreover, the fluid blades contain alcohol or other harmful fluids. The glass bottle could break and have an impact on leakage.

3. Perfume

Perfumes include items or objects that should not be stored in the trunk of the motorbike. Perfume is volatile liquid and can trigger gasoline on the motorbike to ignite the fire.

4. Korek api

Saving matches or gas lighters in the trunk of a motorbike is something that is not allowed. The reason is, matches exposed to hot temperatures in the trunk of a motorbike can cause an explosion, and are certainly dangerous for users.

5. Powerbank

Bagation of the motorbike has a fairly hot temperature when the motorbike is running. This is because the trunk position is adjacent to the engine and does not have air circulation.

When baggage is used to store electronic goods such as power banks, the device has the potential to catch fire due to the heat.

6. Make-up tool

Make-up equipment stored in the trunk of the motorbike can be damaged due to exposure to high heat temperatures. In addition, make-up equipment also has the potential to break due to shocks when the motorbike is running.

7. Medicines

When he was driving long distances, not a few motorists kept drugs in the trunk of the motorbike. In fact, this habit should not be done, because the hot temperature in the trunk of the motorbike can damage these drugs.

8. Carbonated drinks

Goods or objects that should not be stored in the trunk of the next motorbike are carbonated drinks. This type of drink can cause leaks or explosions due to exposure to hot temperatures and shaking when the motorbike is running.

9. Vegetables and fruits

Saving vegetables and fruits in the trunk of the motorcycle seat is an error. The hot temperature in the trunk can damage the vegetables and fruits you buy.

That's information about items that should not be stored in the trunk of a motorbike. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.