Heboh Di Medsos, Dugaan Korupsi Transfer Function Lahan PTPN XIII Diusut Polda Kalsel

The South Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda) confirmed that they would investigate allegations of corruption in the conversion of land owned by PTPN XIII for coal mining in Banjar Regency involving PT Global Prima Sukses (GPS).

Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police AKBP M Gafur Aditya H Siregar said the case was first excited on social media (medsos).

"Regarding the alleged corruption in PTPN (XIII) which is already busy on social media, of course we will carry out the law enforcement process fairly, transparently and humanely," he said in Banjarmasin, Wednesday.

Meanwhile, UNtirta Faculty of Law academics Agus Prihartono Permana asked the South Kalimantan Police to thoroughly investigate allegations of corruption in the conversion of land functions belonging to PTPN XIII, so as to enforce the truth.

"Strengthen the truth and impose sanctions on the perpetrators for cases suspected of harming the state, this must be precise," he said.

Agus emphasized that the perpetrators of the alleged corruption in land conversion must be given a deterrent effect, so that they can set an example for other perpetrators who may do the same in other places related to corruption.

Previously, the investigation process related to the alleged corruption in the use of land for PTPN XIII was known from a copy of the investigation warrant (sprindik) of the South Kalimantan Police which was signed by the Director of Criminal Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police previously Kombes Pol Suhasto on December 12, 2023.

In the sprindik numbered SP.Sidik/693/XII/RES.3.2/2023/Dit Reskrimsus, the investigator AKBP Amin Rovi ordered investigators to uncover allegations of corruption in the misuse of HGU land belonging to PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XIII (HGU Certificate No: 00037) in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan.

The land is used for coal mining by PT Global Prima Sukses (GPS)/PT Mitra Agro Semesta (MAS), as well as nine mining business license companies (IUP) in Banjar Regency in 2018.