Ganjar Regarding Corruption Eradication, Carrying Impoverishment To Confiscation Of Corruptor Assets, Leaders Must Live Simple

JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate Ganjar Pranowo spoke about eradicating corruption by carrying the impoverishment of corruptors to confiscation of assets. But state officials must set an example.

"Law enforcement is impoverishment, the second is the confiscation of assets, we will immediately clean up the confiscation of assets, put them in Nusakambangan so that there will be a deterrent effect," said Ganjar in a presidential candidate debate, Tuesday, December 12.







"But it takes an example of a leader, he lives a simple, not luxurious life," said Ganjar.

As for officials, Ganjar emphasized that the promotion should be in accordance with the meritocracy principle.

"So that there is no more buying and selling positions, don't let the deposit to the leader, if this happens, harmony will emerge," said Ganjar.