ISC Survey Proves, Prabowo-Gibran Supported By Jokowi's Loyal Voters

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Survey Center (ISC) released the results of the latest survey where the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming received support from loyal voters Jokowi in the 2019 election.

"The survey results show that it is clear where loyal voters of Jokowi and loyal voters of Prabowo in 2019, gave positive sentiment to Prabowo-Gibran," said ISC Senior Researcher Chairul Pane in a presentation reported by ANTARA, Monday, December 11.

The ISC survey was conducted in the period 25 November - 4 December 2023 involving 2,200 respondents in 38 provinces in Indonesia. The method used is a multistage random sampling with a confidence level of 95 percent and a margin of error (MoE) of 2.09 percent.a

Chairul explained that the respondents were divided into 47.8 percent of Jokowi-Ma'ruf voters in the 2019 Election, and 33.1 percent of Prabowo-Sandi, then 3.9 percent of the 'golput'. Those who have not voted in the 2019 election, because they have not reached the age requirements of choice.

For Jokowi-Ma'ruf voters in the 2019 Election, 58.8 percent chose Prabowo-Gibran, 22.7 percent chose Ganjar-Mahfud and 13.2 percent chose Anies-Muhaimin and 7.3 percent did not answer.

For Prabowo-Sandi voters in the 2019 Election, 60.4 percent chose Prabowo-Gibran, 10.2 percent chose Ganjar-Mahfud and 25.7 percent chose Anies-Muhaimin and 3.7 percent did not answer.

"Jokowi-Ma'ruf voters in 2019, most of them are now Prabowo-Gibran voters. They are no longer a big part of the Ganjar-Mahfud candidate pair, let alone Anies-Muhaimin," he said.

Chairul assessed that there were several factors that made Jokowi's voters in 2019 support Prabowo-Gibran, where the narrative used was to continue Jokowi's leadership relay which had led Indonesia for two terms.

Because of Prabowo Subianto's attitude in carrying out reconciliation with Jokowi and building a joint government after the 2019 Presidential Election.

Prabowo loyal voters also clearly choose Prabowo again in 2024, while Jokowi loyal voters will also vote for Prabowo because of their appreciation for Prabowo's statesmanship.

In addition, related to the electability of three pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates, the pair number 2 Prabowo-Gibran received an electability of 44.4 percent. Then, followed by Ganjar-Mahfud at 25.9 percent and Anies-Muhaimin at 25.4 percent.

"The electability of the Ganjar-Mahfud pair with Anies-Muhaimin is only 0.5 percent adrift," he said.