Gibran Reminds Volunteers To Anticipate Other Paslon Strategies

JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate number two, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, asked volunteers to anticipate strategic changes from the presidential and other vice presidential candidate pairs.

Especially after the release of the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey which put Prabowo-Gibran at the top.

Gibran made this statement in front of several volunteer leaders including Projo, Bolone Mase, to Samawi.

"We also need to pay close attention to the strategic changes made by the candidate pairs (pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates) number 1 and 3," said Gibran in the Melawai area, South Jakarta, Monday, December 11.

According to him, the Pabrowo-Gibaran volunteers must also prepare a new strategy. This is because competitors will not remain silent with the appearance of the survey results.

"We'll just look at it. They can't be silent or do the same thing. After the release of this survey, we have to understand and we have to move quickly, adapt quickly," he said.

"So if they change the strategy automatically, we must mitigate as well," continued Gibran.

Gibran also emphasized that volunteers should not be complacent with the results of a survey that patents candidate pair number two at the top compared to others.

Volunteers are expected to continue to work so that Prabowo-Gibran's electability will be higher throughout Indonesia.

"Because once again the benchmark is not a good survey but a bad survey and if there is a bad survey, that's what we just raise. The good survey actually makes us sometimes feel complacent about winning, then we relax," said Gibran.

Litbang Kompas released the latest survey results related to the electability of three candidates in the 2024 presidential election. As a result, pair number two, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka are in first place.

The survey said the Prabowo-Gibran pair had 39.3 percent electability. Meanwhile, Anies Baswedan-Muhimin Iskandar's electability was 16.7 percent.

Then in third place, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD only got 15.3 percent electability. Meanwhile, voters who are still in doubt or unfair voters reached 28.7 percent.

Meanwhile, for the survey of presidential candidates without a partner, there has been a change. Prabowo's electability reached 39.7 percent; Ganjar 18 percent; and Anies 17.4 percent.

Likewise with the electability of the vice presidential candidate. Gibran is the most superior with electability of 37.3 percent; Mahfud MD 21.6 percent; and Muhaimin Iskadar 12.7 percent.