Plus Minus Home Near Airport

YOGYAKARTA Choosing a residential location, especially housing near the airport, does have its own advantages. However, this choice is not always good. Therefore it is important to know the pluses and minuses of houses near the airport.

As is known, airports are public transportation facilities. Areas near airports are usually crowded and congested. But is the location of the house near the facility worth buying? The following is a good idea to buy a house near the airport.

Locations near airports are usually quite crowded and even crowded. Many public facilities are available near airports such as shopping centers, local tourist attractions, hospitals, and so on. Buying a house near the airport is suitable for those of you who want a location with complete public facilities available.

Usually airports are integrated with public transportation routes such as buses, trains, or online motorcycle taxis. So you can travel comfortably without having to use a private vehicle.

One of the considerations of buying a house near the airport is to make traveling easier, especially if you travel by plane frequently. You can cut your departure time to the airport without fear of being late or being blocked.

Property prices around airports are certain to continue to rise every year. This makes property in airport areas a promising form of investment so that profits can be obtained when selling property later.

Infrastructure in locations around airports is usually well built. For example, good roads, PDAM channels are available, can be reached by WiFi, and so on. This facility needs to be considered

It should be noted that the sound of the aircraft will be very heard especially if your house is near the airport. This sound sometimes disturbs residents. In addition, noise can arise from the sound of other vehicles passing by.

Who would have thought, owning a house in an airport area with a distance of less than 10 km turned out to be at risk of health problems, namely heart and asthma. This is known from academic studies from Colombia University and the University of California.

The study said that the trigger for carbon monoxide pollution (CO) from aircraft was more when the vehicle stopped or drove to the airport runway.

It is almost certain that the price of property near the airport is more expensive than the one further away. The price difference is sometimes very large. This condition makes you have to spend more in account than buying property in areas that are further away from the airport.

Population density in the area around the airport is higher than other areas. This condition is not very suitable for those of you who are introverted.

Because the location around the airport is crowded, the risk of congestion is even higher. Congestion can be felt especially during crowded moments such as holidays, or office hours.

That's information related to plus-minus houses near the airport. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.