Is It True That Listening To Music While Studying Is Effective?

JAKARTA - One of the activities favored by many people is listening to music. Everyone has their own favorite music genre. Usually, people listen to music while doing other activities together. There are many reasons why people do this. In addition to overcoming the feeling of loneliness, music can also help block other sounds that enter the brain so that concentration is more awake.

However, research conducted by medical students at Harvard Medical School, as reported by Health Harvard Edu, Thursday, February 18, revealed that there is actually no direct relationship between music and levels of human cognitive abilities. Although some people believe that music can be a "pacing tool" to support concentration in studying, in fact, it can actually break the concentration of the brain.

Still in the same study, tests were carried out on the appearance of human cognition which is described by three people who carry out the learning process with different qualifications. One person studies while listening to pop music, one person without listening to music, and the other listens to classical music.

The results of the study prove that people who study without listening to music at all seem to produce the most optimal cognitive abilities. They have a better level of concentration than the other two because of the level of full concentration.

So, it is clear that music does not have a direct relationship with cognitive abilities. Even so, music actually has more influence on the emotional state of the listeners.

Although there is no causality, if you really need to listen to music, you can choose classical genres as an option to accompany your study. Classical music is believed to create a good mood. If the mood is good, it will result in optimal cognitive abilities.

Classical music can also help relieve stress. Research shows that the nerves of the brain become more active, so information is absorbed more quickly when you listen to classical music.

So, you can still listen to music while studying. However, you must pay attention to the choice of music genres. It's best to choose classical music or light instruments so that your brain doesn't get too distracted by the noise of other types of music.