Bali Police Propam Examines Police Reported To Extort Mining Entrepreneurs Rp1.8 Billion

DENPASAR - Propam Polda Bali examined police officers who were reported on suspicion of extorting mining entrepreneur Leviana Adriningtyas, Rp1.8 billion.

The Head of Public Relations of the Bali Police, Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, explained that based on the report numbered LP/A/47/XI/2023/SPKT. The Ditreskrimsus/Polda Bali, dated October 31, 2023, is still being processed in accordance with legal provisions. Meanwhile, Leviana, who is a suspect, has been detained.

"As for the alleged extortion and allegations by the investigators of the Bali Police Ditreskrimsus amounting to Rp 1.8 billion, for the Leviana Adriningtyas case, the Bali Police Propam immediately responded to the report by examining the alleged person in question and the Bali Police had also clarified the reporter," said Jansen, Monday, December 11.

Until now, Jansen emphasized, there has been no strong evidence regarding reports of extortion of businessmen by members of the Bali Police.

"We hope that the public will not be easily provoked and believe in untrue news. The Bali Police are currently still investigating this matter," he said.

A member of the Bali Police with the initials H was previously reported for allegedly carrying out an attempted extortion. This allegation was revealed by Nunuk Purwandari Rahayu Ningsih, the mother of Leviana Adriningtyas, a suspect in the alleged illegal mining permit for excavation C in Banjagasem, Buleleng, Bali.

It is suspected that the request for Rp1.8 billion so that Leviana, Director of PT Sancaka Mitra Jaya, could escape the law.