The Transition Of Citra Prabowo Behind The Word Gemoy, Smart Design Despite Reaping Criticism From Warganet

JAKARTA The term gemory has been popular in recent weeks, after one of the presidential candidates was called Prabowo gemoy.

On one occasion, Prabowo Subianto admitted that he did not know what the gemoy meant even though the word was often juxtaposed with his name.

Gemoys are used by millennials and Z, and actually comes from echoes. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) the word echo means (1) very irritated/angry or (2) very much in love and irritated.

Even though it has a negative meaning, the echo word actually has a positive meaning after being mapped into a gemoy.

The word gemoy is quite popular among the millennial generation and Z on social media. Recently, the trend of using gemoys has also become increasingly massive on Tiktok and X social media. This is because the gemoy is claimed to be an icon of one of the presidential candidates, namely Prabowo Subianto.

Gemoy Trends On TikTok And X Social Media

Netray Media Monitoring monitors these keywords on two channels, namely TikTok and X. On the TikTok channel, Netray found 1,070 content with a gemoy keyword from November 24 to December 4, 2023. These content have even been played 57.3 million times with a total impression of 2.6 million reactions.

These contents were massively uploaded by TikTok users over the past two weeks. The increase in the gemoy keywords peaked on November 28 with a total of 172 content a day. Then, the next three days the intensity of uploads related to these keywords appears to be decreasing.

These keywords are dominated by content related to Prabowo and Gibran. This can be seen from the ranks of the top hashtag and top words on the TikTok channel.

A number of accounts on the TikTok channel that share content related to the Prabowo gemoy topic provide positive impression for the presidential candidate number two.

Gemoy trends also occur on social media X. Netray monitors conversations using the keyword gemoy&&prabowo and found 71.1 thousand uploads related to the keyword during the monitoring period. Even so, uploads related to this keyword appear less massive on social media X.

However, netizens' tweets on social media X do not always contain a positive narrative for Prabowo. This gemoy trend apparently also received criticism from netizens. An example is the @FstrongW account which says Gen Z is a stupid generation in politics and tends to like gimmicks.

Another opinion states that this trend was deliberately created by the Prabowo camp to obscure the history and past of the presidential candidate from serial number two.

Smart Ways To Get Beginner Voters

The Gemoy campaign popularized by Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka was not only criticized by netizens. A number of political opponents of this pair also made negative comments. One of them is the spokesman for the AMIN National Team (Timnas), Surya Tjandra claims that Prabowo's popularized gemoy game is dangerous.

Surya Tjandra even likened Prabowo's campaign campaign to that of Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos or Bongbong Marcos during the presidential election in the Philippines. Bongbong Marcos is the son of the Philippine dictator, Ferdinand Marcos, who has been in power for 21 years and is considered authoritarian.

Bongbong Marcos won the Philippine Presidential Election because of a massive campaign on social media and attracting the voices of young people. Similar to the target of the Prabowo-Gibran campaign, which is also a young person. Surya assessed that the gimic campaign carried out by pair number 2 was dangerous because it manipulated the actual conditions.

However, Executive Director of IPO Dedi Kurnia Syah did not see anything wrong with the gemoy' campaign that was being touted by the Prabowo camp. Instead, he considered this to be a smart way for Prabowo's team to dredge up the votes of novice voters. In particular, Dedi saw that Gibran's role, which was considered to be able to represent young people, had not yet contributed optimally.

"In terms of efforts to approach young voters, it has been successful, although for Gibran it is the opposite, young people much like Prabowo more than Gibran. That way the opportunity to be chosen is greater," said Dedi to VOI.

On the same occasion, Dedi Kurnia Syah also assessed that Prabowo Subianto had extraordinary courage by choosing the theme of the current gemoy' political character.

He did not deny that this was one of the accurate ways to attract young voters, because based on KPU data 56 percent of voters in the 2024 General Election were generation Z and millennials.

"Prabowo has so far been seen as a knight, military, authority, and charismatic, but in the IPO record, only 48 percent like the knight's attitude, and some of them have become Prabowo loyalists," said Dedi.

"Meanwhile, 52 percent of voters are young groups who prefer to choose based on emotional closeness, this Gemoy has succeeded in reaping the sympathy of young people," he added.