Revealed, The Death Of 4 Children In Jagakarsa Was Killed By Their Biological Father

JAKARTA - Friday, December 8, the South Jakarta Metro Police named Panca Darmansyah as a suspect in the murder case of 4 biological children that occurred in Kebagusan, Jagakarsa. For the evidence, there were 12 witnesses who had been examined by the South Jakarta Police investigators. "Furthermore, we also received evidence of cellphones and laptops used by brother P to record before the incident." said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Police, AKBP Bintoro, Friday, December 8. According to him, at the time of the incident, Panca, had problems with his wife, brother D. "Furthermore, the South Jakarta Police also carried out an autopsy activity which later the results of the autopsy would be used as evidence to strengthen the suspicion of brother I against the TSK (Panca) statement." he continued. According to the police, Panca admitted that it was true that he did the murder alternately. "Starting the first initials A. Followed by the smallest initials A. Subsequently, the victim's daughter was 4 years old and the last child of the victim was 6 years old." Bintoro detailed. This case was first known by the police from reports of residents who smelled a foul smell in a rented house located in a rented house in Gang Roman Jalan Kebagusan Raya, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. The carcass until the unloading of the ceiling, did not meet. Then this morning my telephone neighbor, he said 'Pak Irwan please there is a carcass next to the house of Pak Panca. Please clean the carcass in the bathroom there is a bad smell'. It's just like that,' said neighbors, Wednesday 6 December. After the door was broken by residents and the police, there were four bodies of a small child who had already decayed. It is known that the 4 victims were Viona Audrey (6), Sopiya (4), Arsa (3), Aska (1). The victim was found already in a state of decaying lined over the corner of the TKP, to the four children of P and his wife D. Found uniformed in bed in a dead condition. Currently, we will still close the crime scene, we will then carry out an interfeberation collaboration between doctors and the laboratory. We will also carry out forensic psychologists, said South Jakarta