Serving Buyers, Housewives In Papua Persecuted By KKB

JAKARTA - The armed criminal group (KKB) is suspected of being the perpetrator of the persecution of Deljati Pamean (28), a housewife in Yulukoma Village, Bioga District, Puncak Regency, Papua.

"It is true that the perpetrator of the persecution is suspected to be a member of the KKB, but from which group is still under investigation," said Chief of Police Puncak AKBP Dicky Saragih, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 17.

He explained that the incident occurred on Tuesday, February 16, at around 13.00 WIT, when the victim was at the house which also doubles as a kiosk or shop selling various groceries with Hendra Tennan.

At that time, the victim was serving a buyer who was going to shop at his kiosk, then came three people, two of whom said they wanted to shop.

Meanwhile another person was outside, and one of the perpetrators asked where the victim's husband was, who was answered at the market.

Hearing the victim's answer, the two people immediately entered the kiosk and beat the victim using a machete, so the victim screamed for help, causing Hendra Tenan who also lived in the house to leave.

Seeing that the witness who taught at SMAN 1 Bioga came out of his room, the two perpetrators immediately fled to a river or river and took the injured witness to the puskesmas for medical treatment.

The former Yalimo Police Chief, when asked about the victim's condition, admitted that his condition was stable and after receiving treatment he was allowed to go home.

From witness testimony, it was revealed that the three men had threatened to shoot Pitter Mutung, who works as a teacher, so he immediately entered and locked his house, said AKBP Saragih who was contacted from Jayapura.