GSMA Report: Indonesia Needs To Adopt WoG Approach For Digital Transformation

JAKARTA - Based on a report published by GSMA on December 6, in the Indonesia Digital Nations Summit in Jakarta, the Indonesian government has now taken strong steps to become a leading digital country.

Indonesia has achieved real success in its journey to become a digital country. However, transforming the digital ecosystem of this country will not be possible without the necessary investments from the private sector," said Julian Gorman, Head of APAC GSMA.

Julian added, Indonesia needs to adopt a 'whole government' (Whole-of Government/WoG) approach. Especially if you want to achieve the goal of transforming society digitally and become one of the top global economies in 2030.

By implementing this approach, Indonesia has the potential to open investment taps of 18 billion US dollars from the cellular industry between 2024 and 2030, most of which will be used for 5G networks.

Thus, the investment in the mobile industry will contribute 41 billion US dollars to GDP in the next six years.

Digital countries combine digital technology and services to all economic sectors, with the aim of increasing productivity and living standards of their citizens. And 5G network technology is a key component of the necessary infrastructure.

This 5G technology is aimed at providing reliable network-based services and encouraging new technologies to reshape local economies and modernize industries.

Although Indonesia consists of more than 18,000 islands, the country has reached a large digital infrastructure network with 96 percent of the population now covered by 4G networks.

"However, 5G cellular connectivity will be key to achieving new economic targets, and investment will require an "urgent policy" to accelerate the rollout of 5G infrastructure, where it is most needed," Julian concluded.