Monitoring The Great Potential Investment In Pasuruan Regency

Acting Regent of Pasuruan Andriyanto revealed that Pasuruan Regency has investment potential that investors can take advantage of.

"There are several leading sectors in Pasuruan Regency that have great potential to become a field for investors to invest, ranging from water resources, energy, tourism, agriculture, fisheries, livestock, to industrial areas," Andriyanto told the media crew, in Jakarta, Thursday 7 December.

There are several potentials, namely the water resource sector, Pasuruan Regency has 471 springs spread across all sub-districts. There is also Lake Ranu Grati which is located in Grati District. Meanwhile, in the tourism sector, Pasuruan Regency has potential in natural tourism, culture, agro, and special interest tourism. It is recorded that the average number of tourists visiting Pasuruan Regency reaches 2,378,297 per year.

The potential in the fisheries sector of Pasuruan Regency is no less classy. Based on the data, in 2023, capture fisheries production will reach 21,000 tons per year with 8,543 active fishermen from Beji, Bangil, Kraton, Rejoso, lekok, and Nguling sub-districts. 34.5 hectares of freshwater are spread across 19 sub-districts in Pasuruan Regency with catfish, nila, gurame, mujaer, and gala shrimp total production reaching 195.1 tons.

Then in the industrial sector, Pasuruan Regency has a PIER Industrial Estate covering an area of 550 hectares with 36 percent of the land that has been utilized or around 48 companies that use various facilities such as ready-to-use factory buildings, 110 MW of electricity, waste treatment installations, firefighters, clean water, and waste treatment.

Regarding investment realization, Pasuruan Regency also has a good track record in investment realization. In 2019 it is targeted to invest IDR 9 trillion, the realization reached IDR 18.94 trillion. In 2020, it is targeted to invest IDR 9.6 trillion, the realization reached IDR 10.03 trillion. Meanwhile, in 2021, investment is targeted at IDR 9.6 trillion, the realization reaches IDR 7.55 trillion. In 2022, it is targeted to invest IDR 10.25 trillion, the realization reaches IDR 9.31 trillion and in 2023 it is targeted to invest IDR 10.52 trillion, realization until the third quarter reaches IDR 8.59 trillion.

Geographically, Pasuruan Regency is located in the triangle area of the economic route. This for Pasuruan Regency, of course, provides its own advantage as a place of business. Pasuruan Regency is located on Jalan Nasional connecting Surabaya-Malang. Pasuruan is also on the National Road connecting Surabaya-Probolinggo-Jember-Banyuwangi. In addition, Pasuruan is also on Jalan Provincial connecting Malang-Probolinggo-Jember-Banyuwangi.

As for the Draft Regional Regulation (Ranperda) of the Regional Spatial Planning Plan (RTRW) for 2023-2043, Pasuruan Regency has determined the Spatial Design Zone as follows:

- Industrial Designation Area: 8,368 hectares

- Food Crop Area: 34,095 hectares

- Settlement area: 31,728 hectares

- Plantation Area: 3,855 hectares

- Aquaculture area: 4,604 hectares

- Livestock Area: 7,343 hectares

Regarding the Transportation System Plan, the Pasuruan Regency Government has several things to support investment, namely:

- Have 6 stations (1 Class I station in Bangil and 5 Class III stations)

- Passed By Jalan Raya Pantura

- Have 7 toll interchanges (Gempol, Bangil, Rembang, Pandaan, Purwodadi, Pohjentrek, and Grati)

- Being Between The Surabaya-Malang, Surabaya-Probolinggo, And Malang-Probolinggo Routes

- Have 7 bus terminals (1 type A terminal in Pandaan and 6 type C terminals)

- Connected to the nearest airport, namely Juanda Airport via the Toll Road

Regarding The Energy Network System Plan, the Pasuruan Regency Government has several things to support investment, namely:

- All villages have been electrified by the electricity network

- There is a Gas Power Plant (PLTG), namely PT Amerta Indah Otsuka PLTG in Kejayan District and PT Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia PLTMG in Gempol District.

- There are Diesel Power Plants (PLTD) in Ketuwon, Banyumeneng and Pandansari, Tosari District, as well as in Sidodadi, Purwodadi District

- There Is Geothermal Power (PLTP): PLTP Gunung Arjuno, Gunung Penangsangan PLTP, Bromo Tengger Semeru

Regarding The Water Resources Network System Plan, the Pasuruan Regency Government already has several things to support investment, including:

- For flood-prone areas to the north, there are 3 long storage in Bangil, Beji, and Gempol Districts

- There are flood control buildings in Beji, Kejayan, Lumbang, Nguling, Purwosari, Rembang, and Sukorejo sub-districts.

Meanwhile, regarding the Other Network System Plans, there are several investment potentials in terms of telecommunications, such as:

- 2 SPAM (Regional Malang Raya and Umbulan)

- There are 4 TPS3R plans and 77 existing TPS3R plans

- Plan to add 84 SPALD, previously there were 2 existing SPALDs

- There are 7 TPST plans