South Sulawesi Governor Submits Decree Of 10 Acting Regent

MAKASSAR - The Governor of South Sulawesi Nurdin Abdullah handed over a Decree (SK) for the Implementation of Daily Tasks (Plh) of 10 regents.

The ten acting regents are Barru Regency, Bulukumba, Gowa, Kep. Selayar, East Luwu, North Luwu, Maros, Pangkep, Soppeng and Tanah Toraja districts.

In his direction, the Governor of South Sulawesi hopes that this short task is expected to work well and properly in carrying out the mandate as Regent in their respective regions.

"Yes, although it is quite short, we hope that you, as the regent's daily duties, will work well, to prepare the inauguration of the district head," said Nurdin Abdullah, at the South Sulawesi governor's office, Jalan Urip Sumoharjo Makassar, Wednesday, February 17.

Meanwhile, the inauguration of elected regional heads based on a letter from the Ministry of Home Affairs takes place at the end of February.

In addition, 10 regents in South Sulawesi were reminded to continue to ensure efforts to deal with COVID-19.

Based on the direction of the Minister of Home Affairs via letter 131/966 / OTDA dated February 15, he was reminded of the Health Quarantine Law.

The central government and local governments are responsible for protecting public health from disease or public health risk factors that have the potential to cause health emergencies by implementing health quarantine.

This is an effort to prevent the spread of a public health emergency that is currently happening between people in a certain area.