About Dogs Hit, Animal Defender Challenges Ustaz Yahya Waloni To Fight Ideas

JAKARTA - Chairman of Animal Defender Indonesia Doni Herdaru challenged Ustaz Yahya Waloni to collide with ideas. This challenge is in the aftermath of Ustaz Yahya's statement about accidentally bumping into a dog because it is unclean.

Doni said that this contest of ideas was considered suitable as a form of criticism against Ustaz Yahya Waloni.

"Ideas versus ideas, writing versus writing, speech versus speech. At this point we will consider it", Doni told VOI, Wednesday, February 17.

"I think at this point, this opinion or speech needs to be criticized and reminded", he continued.

Apart from that, with this statement, Doni has focused on educating the public. It is undeniable that the statement from Ustaz Yahya Waloni had a big impact.

"So what we are doing, we are educating friends who have the potential to be diverted due to YW's ties, and monitoring developments", he said.

Furthermore, Doni suggested to Ustaz Yahya Waloni that when his lecture did not contain negative narratives in various ways. Because there are still many things that can be conveyed and educated.

"Our advice is not to invite things that are not good. There are still many shady and comfortable things to talk about on the platform", he said.