4 Dangers Of Filling Gasoline When The Engine Is On

YOGYAKARTA The owner of the vehicle must know the danger of filling the gasoline when the engine is on. The reason is that there are still motorcyclists, both motorbikes and cars, who are reluctant to turn off their vehicles when refueling at gas stations.

In general, the danger of filling gasoline with live engine conditions can have an impact on engine failure. Not only that, the biggest risk when doing this is the safety of life.

When filling fuel at a gas station, officers usually ask the driver to turn off the vehicle engine. Even the appeal is written in the gas station area so it must be obeyed. There are several risks that must be borne if the driver insists on not wanting to turn off the engine when filling the fuel, which is as follows.

Filling in fuel in the condition of the engine turned out to trigger damage, for example at the injection of a gas station. The component will be damaged faster because there is the potential for wind to enter the tank. As is known, when an active vehicle injects pumps, it will channel fuel to the combustion room. Meanwhile, when filling fuel, there is the potential for wind to enter the tank. This can trigger damage.

However, not all vehicles will be affected by the damage. For example, diesel-engined vehicles such as trucks or buses.

When turning on the vehicle engine while filling up fuel, there is a potential for a fire that is large enough to threaten the safety of many people.

As is known, when refueling, a vapor will appear that is flammable. A spark can appear when the vapor is carried away by the wind to the component that can trigger a fire like a busy.

Fuel vapor can also trigger a fire when it leads to heat sources such as known exhausts or other engine areas.

One of the risks that can occur when refueling with the conditions on is that vehicles can drive, either intentionally or recklessly. When that happens, the gas station hose can be attracted to the point of damaging the gas station engine itself. Therefore it would be safer to turn off the vehicle when it fills up.

After the process of refueling, usually the officers will not immediately close the tank cover but will place the dispenser and gas hose to its place and then close the tank cover. Let the car engine turn on to avoid misscommunication between the officer and the driver.

Drivers can directly drive the car even though the officers have not actually closed the tank cover. This possibility certainly endangers the pom officers. In addition, installing a tank cover that is not tight enough will make the engine inspection indicator light turn on because it detects a leak.

That's information regarding the dangers of filling the gas when the engine is on. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.