Ditpolairud Polda Kaltara Increase Water Security At Borders

TARAKAN - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo asked the Koprs Polairud Baharkam Polri to continue to be the Bhayangkara guard in the aerospace and marine of the archipelago who are always ready to provide the best dharma for the realization of Indonesia Emas 2045.

This was conveyed by the National Police Chief through his written remarks read by the Head of the North Kalimantan Police (Kaltara) Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya while attending the celebration of Polairud's 73rd Birthday (HUT) in 2023 at Mako Ditpolairud Polda Kaltara, Monday, December 4.

"To all Polairud Baharkam Polri personnel to continue to show their existence in carrying out their duties to maintain security," said the Kaltara Police Chief.

The National Police Chief also reminded that supervision in marine areas should continue to be improved and tightened, so that illegal logging, illegal oil, human trafficking, drug smuggling, illegal arms trade and others that can harm and endanger the country can be anticipated and prevented.

"The Ditpolairud Polda Kaltara has been continuing to improve the security of our waters at the RI-Malaysia Border, so as to prevent and uncover cases of illegal trade, narcotics and criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO)," he said.

In addition, Polairud Baharkam Polri personnel are asked to be role models for the community, as the glue of the node of national unity and integrity during the 2024 General Election.

"By instilling the values of Pancasila and Bhineka Tunggal ika," said Daniel.

"So that the 2024 General Election can take place safely, smoothly, peacefully and coolly," he concluded.