Gibran Promises To Update Technology And Upgrade Teacher Quality So That Students Can Compete In The World Of Work

TANGERANG - Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka promised to update the technology and upgrade the quality of teachers so that students can compete in the world of work.

Jokowi's eldest son assessed that technology, such as computers and the quality of teachers, is one of Gibran's homework so that Santri graduates can compete in the world of work.

Gibran gave an example of the program in Solo. He saw similarities between students and vocational schools.

"In the past, when I worked in Solo, we had several vocational schools, but the situation was not good," said Gibran at the Asshiddiqiyah 2 Batu Ceper Islamic Boarding School, Tangerang.

"We ventured to make Tupoksi which contains a large company, such as Astra, Sinar Mas, we formed them to oversee SMK," he continued.

Gibran saw the problems that existed in the school, such as computers and outdated tools.

"Maybe what's sorry, the computer is old age, or the tools are still very unupdated, we're updating this, so what we use in factories, is used in the industry, the same as in schools, so we want what we learn in the world of school, to be used in the world of work," said Gibran.

The increase in quality, called Gibran, will apply to Islamic boarding schools by updating technology such as computers and the quality of their teachers.

"So what children study daily at school is really in the world of work, whether it's their computer, we also upgrade the teacher, so when they graduate, they don't take courses anymore or additional training," he said.

The goal, said Gibran, is for Islamic boarding school graduates to be ready to work and follow the times leading to the industrial revolution 5.0.

"That will be our homework, and a lot of questions are also asked, because the young ones are restless, Mr. Kiai, if we can't get a job or it will be interrupted or feel underestimated by conventional schools," said Gibran.