RAN Chooses A Colorful "Dress Code" For "The Sweet Seventeen Show"

JAKARTA - The RAN music group consisting of Rayi, Asta, and Nino chose to remain loyal to their characteristics and make the theme colorful or colorful as a dress code for their first single show "The Sweet Seventeen Show".

Nino even invited the audience who would later attend the concert to participate in enlivening the event using the same costume.

"From the first time we appeared in 2006, when the bands in Indonesia were mostly wearing black and white clothes, but we appeared wearing colorful clothes and hit each other in colors. So that's what we hope to wear with the runners and all the guests who attend," Nino said in Jakarta, Sunday.

When asked about the preparations for welcoming this important day, RAN answered that he was still excited every year, which increased as a music group.

Especially for the 17-year moments together, Rayi, Asta, and Nino agreed that this concert would be a very important celebration momentum.

"So for 17 years of work, this is the first time we have performed a single show. At first we were looking for the right momentum, so it turns out that 17 years are often called sacred, yes, for a person's life growth, we eat making this Sweet Seventeen Show," said Nino.

They wanted this concert to be a lively concert, not only colored by colorful clothes but also from the side of the performers.

As a leak, they said there would be collaborators who would enliven the atmosphere of the stage "The Sweet Seventeen Show" to be more lively.

"There is a collaborator, only who is still in surprise. But the clue is just looking at RAN so far, which musician and collab with him, hehe," said Rayi.

The Sweet Seventeen Show from RAN will be present on December 20, 2023 and located at the Senayan Basketball Hall, Jakarta.

For those who are interested, you can still buy tickets online at Loket.com, now you have only the Tribune category and Festival which are both priced at IDR 575,000.