Rizieq Shihab Praises Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi In 212 Munajat Who Is Consistent In Fighting For Palestine

JAKARTA - The leadership of the Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab praised the attitude of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) Retno Marsudi who voiced Palestinian independence.

This was conveyed by him when giving a speech at the 212 Reunion entitled 'Munajat Kubro for the Safety of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the Victory of Palestine'. Through a speech read by the Chairman of SC Munajat Kubro Muhammad Bin Husein Al Atthas, Rizieq thanked Retno for Retno's attitude.

"I would like to invite all Indonesian people to express their very high gratitude and appreciation to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Retno Marsudi," said Rizieq's remarks, which was represented and read at the Monas Cross, Jakarta, Saturday, December 2.

"Yang sejak dulu hingga saat ini tetap konsisten membela dan memperjuang kemerdekaan rakyat Palestina," sambungnya.

Rizieq said that Retno even dared to condemn Israel in the United Nations (UN) official forum. "In fact, the last, officially the Indonesian Foreign Minister on behalf of the Indonesian state, has filed a claim that Israel be brought to an international court for war crimes and gross human rights violations in Gaza, Palestine," he stressed.

"Thank you to the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Indonesia, hopefully it will always be successful in carrying out the duties of the state. Amen."

In addition, Rizieq also conveyed a message to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his staff to take action against anyone who defends Israel. He said this had violated the constitution.

"I along with the people strongly appeal to the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the ranks of the Indonesian Polhukam including the TNI and Polri as well as the Indonesian Attorney General's Office to take firm action against anyone from any group in the Republic of Indonesia who vulgarly defends Israeli zionists or intentionally raises the Israeli zionist flag, or build a Holocaust Isrel museum or attack Palestinian peaceful people," Rizieq requested as read out.

Meanwhile, Rizieq was not present because he was unable to attend. He must be a husband on standby to wait for his wife who is sick.

"I'm sorry for being unable to attend because I have to take care of my wife who is still lying in the hospital some time ago. Pray that Allah will heal as well as possible," he said.