7 Ornamental Plants Suitable In The Workspace For Aesthetics And Freshness

YOGYAKARTA - Ornamental plants can be used to beautify the workspace to make it look more aesthetic and beautiful. In addition, the presence of ornamental plants in the working space also makes the work atmosphere fresher and cooler. So what are the ornamental plants suitable in the workspace as additional decorations.
The presence of ornamental plants on the desk is also able to make you more comfortable and more excited when working. However, not all types of plants can be placed indoors or indoors because they need sunlight. If you want to make working space more beautiful, there are some ornamental plants that are suitable in the workspace for you to choose from.
Some ornamental plants are able to live and grow indoors without requiring sunlight. Here are some ornamental plants that you can choose to put in the workspace:
One of the ornamental plants recommended to beautify the desk is the jade plant. This plant only needs moderate lighting for a few hours every day, so it doesn't require sunlight.
Jade plants can be placed in your room or desk. Because the soil or planting medium must dry up before watering, you need to test the moisture of the soil for a few seconds every morning.
ivory betel is one of the popular plants to decorate the desk. This ornamental plant is widely found in office and home spaces. This plant can live indoors and is easy to care for without the need for direct sunlight.
You can plant ivory betel directly in the water media. To beautify your working space, place this plant on your desk or book rack.
Other plants that are most often chosen for work table decorations are cacti. There are more than 2,000 types of cactuss with different attractive appearances and colors. All types of cactuss are suitable to be placed to beautify the office or workspace. In addition, cactuss are very easy to care for because they only need a little water to live in.
Tillandsia can also be chosen to be placed on the desk to make it look more aesthetic. Plants with a spider-like shape can grow and live indoors. In addition, this plant does not need soil or planting media to live. You only need to water or soak this plant for two to three hours every 10 days.
Bamboo polem is also quite popular with many people as a work desk ornament. Especially if your workspace or working space is quite large. You can put bamboo palm in the corner of the room or next to the table.
Bamboo palm plants only need a little light so they can survive indoors. Because the growth process is very fast, Anad must regularly trim its leaves so that it looks neat. In addition to presenting a green impression, this plant can also suck poison or pollution in the air to keep the air in your workspace.
Other ornamental plants that you can choose to fill your desk are lemon balm. This plant from the Mint family not only beautifies your working space, but also emits a calming aroma that can improve your mood or mood.
In addition, lemon balm plants can also be a mixture of drinks to add freshness. But unlike other indoor plants that are dry resistant, lemon balm needs a little moisture. Therefore, make sure you water it regularly every day.
Red Aglonema is also an attractive ornamental plant to put on the desk. This plant is quite popular and is in demand by many people because it has a unique leaf color. Aglonema has a pink stem and leaf color, which will make your desk look more beautiful.
Those are some ornamental plants that are suitable in the workspace to beautify your working space. Put ornamental plants not only increase the aesthetic impression on the workspace, but also provide coolness and freshness.
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