Ganjar Calls Himself And Mahfud A Complicate Package, Has The Guts Of A Legal Mafia Brush During Campaign In Kupang

JAKARTA - Presidential candidate (candidate) number three, Ganjar Pranowo claims himself along with his vice presidential candidate, Mahfud MD is a complete package to eradicate corruption in the country. He is ready to brush over the legal mafia and corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).
This was conveyed by Ganjar while campaigning in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Friday, December 1. He felt that he was a complete package with Mahfud because he was clean and had guts.
"So, we are a complete, clean, and brave package. Two important qualities to be able to brush off the legal mafia and KKN who are already rooted in Indonesia," said Ganjar in his statement.
"We will clean Indonesia from corruption, collusion, and nepotism. We must, without mercy," continued the former Governor of Central Java.
Ganjar firmly said that KKN is a common enemy of the nation that must be cleaned of this country. He promised his supporters that they would review regulations that have the potential to create KKN, the existence of supervisory institutions, and the integrity of law enforcement officers.
"I and Prof Mahfud will be proactive to ensure that the eradication of corruption, collusion and nepotism runs according to the applicable mechanism," he explained.
"Corruption, collusion, and nepotism are enemies of the nation, enemies of the state, and enemies of all elements of the nation that must be eradicated to the roots," said Ganjar again.
Based on the schedule, Ganjar campaigned in Kupang. After Friday prayers, he will attend the event at the Evangelical Church Synod in Timor, at 13:45 WITA.
Furthermore, at 14:35 WITA, Ganjar plans to meet the Archbishop of Kupang. Then, he will attend student and community discussions at San Pedro University at 15.15 WITA.
Ganjar continued to Nusa Cendana University to attend a meeting of volunteers and students at 16.55 WITA. Next, this PDIP politician continued his campaign activities by meeting religious leaders and the community at the Sotis Hotel at 18.10 WITA.
Closing his campaign, he will meet influencers and young Kupang at La Cove Beach Resto and Bar. This activity was held at 21.15 WITA.