Jo Byeong Gyu's Agency Denies That He Was The Perpetrator Of Violence At School

JAKARTA - Today, Wednesday, February 17, actor Jo Byeong Gyu's agency HB Entertainment released an official statement regarding their celebrity.

“We are taking legal action regarding someone who has recently shared false rumors and malicious comments about Jo Byeong Gyu on online communities. We are officially requesting a police investigation to investigate the case".

"HB Entertainment will continue to safeguard our artists' rights by responding to treatment that could damage their reputation such as spreading false rumors and malicious comments".

The day before, someone admitted to being the victim of Jo Byeong Gyu's bullying when they were studying at a school together in New Zealand. This The Uncanny Counter actor bullied a person who called himself "A" and invited 30 other people.

Furthermore, "A" said that because he was angry, he went to a place that manages Korean students studying abroad. The manager brought "A" and Jo Byeong Gyu together but Byeong Gyu was rude to the manager.

"A" wrote that Jo Byeong Gyu also made lewd jokes, insulted teachers, and talked to his friends about consuming marijuana. But "A" closed his post by saying Jo Byeong Gyu did not commit physical violence but verbally.

He also includes a photo document from their school in New Zealand and a screenshot of the message between "A" and his friend.

This is not the first rumor to drag down Jo Byeong Gyu. In 2018, someone admitted that Jo Byeong Gyu was rude to his classmates in middle school. But the rumor was denied by Byeong Gyu because he was in an acting career and at that time he attended school in New Zealand.