4 Causes Of Reduced Motor Oil Drastically And Solutions, Must Watch!

YOGYAKARTA The cause of motor oil decreases unnaturally is very important to note because this indicates that there is a problem with the engine components.

For information, oil is lubricant oil that functions to lubricate the engine and prevent friction between spare parts such as pistons and cylindrical walls.

Lubricant oil or motor engine oil needs to be replaced when the vehicle has traveled about 2,000 kilometers, because usually the motorbike that has passed the distance has not changed the oil for 2 months.

However, not a few vehicle owners get motorcycle oil out quickly. If this happens, you need to be suspicious of problems with the engine components.

So, what causes motor oil to drastically decrease? Check out the full information below.

Summarized from various sources, Thursday, November 30, 2023, there are at least 4 things that cause the motorcycle oil to run out quickly, including:

1. The piston ring is Aus

The reason for the drastic reduction in motorcycle oil was that the first piston and piston rings were worn off. This component is located inside the engine and can be damaged, such as scratched, worn, and dirty.

The density in the piston ring serves to prevent mixed air from entering the oil room. Well, the aus piston ring will become slack and the air will enter the oil room. This condition can cause a decrease in the pressure on the engine compression. As a result, the motor will emit quite a lot of smoke because the oil caught fire and make it run out faster.

The only solution that can be done to overcome this problem is overhaul, which is heavy service carried out on vehicles because they are used for a long period of time.

2. Seal oil leaks

Oli cepat habis juga dapat disebabkan oleh seal oli yang terbocor. Kondisi dapat terjadi bila pemilik kendaraan melakukan pengisi oli yang melebihi kapasitas.

In addition, the leaked oil seal is also caused by the usage period. Leaks in the oil seal will cause oil up, where oil overflows through the respiratory cavity into the air filter and the carburetor's room.

The burning oil will cause the exhaust to emit white smoke. To prevent the oil seal from leaking, there are several things you can do, such as:

3. Oil congestion does not match the engine specifications

If the vehicle owner uses oil that is thicker than the engine specifications, the motor will feel heavier. On the other hand, if the oil used is more dilute than recommended, then the motorbike will feel lighter. Therefore, it is important to use oil that is in accordance with the specifications of the motorbike or manufacturer standard.

The solution is to use motorcycle oil according to the engine specifications so that your vehicle engine performance remains optimal.

4. The use of abnormal motorcycles

Riding a motorcycle recklessly can also make the oil run out quickly. Motor oil used in full to full conditions or gas continuously will make the thrust irregular. In addition, stopping going continuously can also cause olu to evaporate and decrease drastically.

That's the information about the cause of motor oil drastically reduced. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal reader VOI.ID.