Drought Emergency Period In Cilacap Extended Until December 4

CILACAP - The Cilacap Regency Government, Central Java, through the local Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) extended the drought emergency period in the region until December 4, 2023. "The drought emergency period in Cilacap actually ended on November 20, but yesterday it was decided to be extended until December 4," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of the Cilacap Regency BPBD Budi Setyawan, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, November 30. The drought emergency, he said, had not distributed clean water aid to the community because there was no request for assistance to enter the Cilacap Regency BPBD. Now the rain is evenly distributed, so the availability of water is sufficient for the community," he said. based on the recapitulation results, the total distribution of clean water assistance during the dry season in 2023 in Cilacap Regency reached 1,843 tanks or equivalent to 9,215,000 liters for 19,024 families consisting of 57,642 people in 86 villages, 20 sub-districts. In addition, he said, his party has not yet received reports of hydrometeorological disasters in Cilacap, although based on data from the Tunggul Wulung Cilacap Meteorological Station, heavy to extreme rain had occurred. some of the districts were in mid-November. "Until now there have been no reports of hydrometeorological disasters. Hopefully the situation remains safe and under control," said Budi. On a separate occasion, the Acting Head of BPBD Cilacap Regency, Slamet Arif Praptomo, appealed to the public to be aware of hydrometeorological disasters that could potentially occur during the rainy season. According to him, this is because based on the results of the mapping, in Cilacap Regency there are 131 villages/kelurahan in 21 sub-districts prone to flooding or tidal waves, 94 villages/kelurahan in 12 sub-districts prone to landslides or landslide movements, and 86 villages/kelurahan in 17 sub-districts that are prone to strong winds. "Regarding this, we have strengthened the resilience of the community through the formation of disaster-resilient villages (destana)," he said. According to him, until now the Cilacap BPBD has formed 51 destinations, eight of them are flood-prone villages in six sub-districts, and 10 sub-districts is a landslide-prone village in five sub-districts.

In addition, he said, hydrometeorological disaster management facilities and infrastructure have been placed in each BPBD UPT including establishing disaster management posts in each sub-district.