VIDEO: KPU Data Allegedly Leaked, Netizens Suspected Of Winning One Of The Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates

JAKARTA - Warganet was excited to comment on the Data on Voters at the KPU who allegedly leaked that they had broken into hackers. In addition to commenting on government websites that lack security, netizens also assume that this leaked data is suspected of winning one of the presidential candidates.

Quoted from the Instagram social media page @lambe_turah, netizens commented a lot if this data breach was intentional and aimed at winning one of the presidential-cawapres pairs in the 2024 General Election. Teguh Aprianto in his tweet on the X account uploaded a screenshot of the breach forum showing the leaking of KPU voter data sold on dark sites for 1.2 billion rupiah. There is as much as 204,807,203 unique data leaked, where this number is almost the same number of KPU Permanent Voters Lists, namely 204,807,222 data.

The data was obtained by Goodmin Si Hacker with the KPU Admin role using the phishing method. Even Timeless provides 500 thousand free samples that can be seen by everyone. This leaked data is in the form of a full name, NIK, KK Number, No. KTP/Passport, gender, place and date of birth, marital status, and also an address that includes RT/RW, even a TPS number where voters are registered.

Warganet is also worried that the results of the election which will be held in February 2024 will provide the results of fraudulent vote calculations. And the elected President did not come from the voice of the people. Watch the video below.