Vice President Ma'ruf Amin: As Long As It Is Not Threatening, Criticism Is Not A Radical Act

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said criticism of the government is not a radical act. As long as the criticism is conveyed according to the corridor of law and does not threaten the division of the nation.

"Being a bit critical of the government, I think maybe it's not (radical). As long as there are no things that show any threatening movements, I don't think it is included in (radicalism)", said Vice President Ma'ruf. Jakarta, in an interview on a private television station, reported by Antara, Tuesday, February 16.

The Vice President said that the definition of radicalism is still broad, so it is difficult to distinguish between being critical and acting radically. The Vice President also acknowledged that there are still radical views of groups or people who convey their harsh criticism to the government.

"I think the understanding of radicalism then becomes confused. For example, when people are critical, criticize the government, it is then considered a radical act", he said.

According to the Vice President, there must be a clear understanding of radicalism, so that any criticism made at the government is not always considered a radical effort.

"Indeed, people often take a critical stance towards the government, they continue to be regarded as radical. Maybe that is what needs to be put down. I think there will be a clarification on what radicals are like, later there will be a more concrete explanation", he said.

Apart from that, he continued, it must also be understood the difference between providing constructive criticism and efforts to change the system or destroy the agreed-upon order of government.

"There must be a distinction between giving sound criticism and really wanting to make changes with a movement that wants to change the country in an unconstitutional, undemocratic way. When it is done in undemocratic ways, changing the state, changing the basis of the state, changing the government, well this is radical", he said.

The Vice President also reminded us that the threat of radicalism is real, so it needs the same spirit between the government and the whole community not to let this understanding develop in Indonesia.

"Therefore, all people and the government must have the same spirit, the same agreement not to allow the development of radicalism, so that harmony is maintained, the integrity of the nation is maintained, the unity of Indonesia is maintained and national stability is also maintained. There is a threat", he said.