Supporting The Bill Of Asset Confiscation For Priority Prolegnas 2021, KPK: Will Give A Deterrent Effect For Corruptors

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) supports the Criminal Asset Confiscation Bill to be included in the 2021 Priority Prolegnas at the Indonesian Parliament.

Because this law is considered to be able to provide positive effects and benefits in an effort to recover assets from the proceeds of corruption and money laundering (TPPU).

This was conveyed by the Acting Spokesperson for the Corruption Eradication Committee Ali Fikri in response to the Center for Financial Transaction and Analysis (PPATK) which asked the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly to push this bill into a priority bill.

"The KPK certainly welcomes the proposal that the Criminal Asset Confiscation Bill will immediately become the Priority Bill for 2021 in the Indonesian Parliament. By becoming a law, it will provide positive effects and benefits for asset recovery from corruption and TPPU," Ali said in his written statement, Tuesday, February 16th.

According to him, law enforcement on corruption cannot only rely on the application of imprisonment penalties as has been done. So, with this regulation it is hoped that it can become a basis for seizing assets and providing a deterrent effect on corruptors.

"For the Corruption Eradication Commission, enforcement of the Corruption Law is not only limited to the application of criminal sanctions in the form of imprisonment but will provide a more deterrent effect for the perpetrators of corruption and money laundering offenses if there is also confiscation of assets resulting from corruption which are enjoyed by corruptors," he said.

Not only that, the confiscation of these assets from various criminal acts of corruption and money laundering offenses in the future can provide income for state finances. The incoming money, continued Ali, could later be used to finance development and ensure the prosperity of the community.

"The confiscation of assets from the perpetrators of various criminal acts of corruption and TPPU can provide revenue for the state treasury which can be used for the development and prosperity of the people," he concluded.