Aceh Will Be Made A Millennial Farmer Development Province

JAKARTA - Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Billy Mambrasar stated that Aceh Province is included in the ten provinces in the country that will carry out the millennial farmer program. This is to support the food security program that has been launched by the government.

"Aceh is a potential area and must receive special attention, such as Papua. If asked which areas will intervene for the development of millennial farmers, I propose that the most important are Aceh and Papua. When these two most end areas are prosperous, the other provinces will also be prosperous”, he said in Banda Aceh, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 16.

The ten provinces included in the millennial farmer development program are Papua, West Papua, West Java, Bali, South Sulawesi, Central Java, East Java, Central Kalimantan, North Sumatra, and Aceh.

He conveyed this statement on the sidelines of a meeting with the Deputy Chancellor III of Syiah Kuala University (USK), Alfiansyah Yulianur, and USK Deputy Chancellor II, Agussabti in the USK Senate meeting room, Banda Aceh in the context of developing cooperation between millennial farmers and universities.

The millennial farmer program is a program to help the government realize 100 thousand quality young farmers who can develop agriculture both on-farm and off-farm to support food security in Indonesia and improve people's welfare.

For this program, his party divides four clusters to optimize the program so that the targets that have been set can run optimally by the targets agreed with the Ministry of Agriculture.

"This program is also part of the Ministry of Agriculture and we will also synergize with all parties including the tertiary institutions that we are visiting today is USK", he said.

In Indonesia, there are 64 million millennials who will become the majority and if they work optimally according to their capabilities in the agricultural sector, in particular, they will be able to accelerate food storage.

"I am optimistic that this program will develop in Aceh like other regions because I see that the interest of Acehnese youth in developing the agricultural sector is very high", he said.

USK Vice Chancellor III, Alfiansyah Yulianur welcomed the millennial farmer program and his party is ready to work together and develop students at the college to participate in the program.

"USK is ready to work together and collaborate to make the millennial farmer program successful in Aceh", he said.