Tuyul In Ciamis: Mystical Beliefs Because Of The Lack Of Education

JAKARTA - The discovery of a bottle allegedly containing an astral creature in the form of a tuyul shocked the Ciamis people, West Java. They flocked to the house of the inventor, Ibn Kasir, just to see and get rid of curiosity about the bottle.

The bottle which allegedly contained the tuyul was first discovered by Ibnu, behind a house in Sindangsari Village, Banjarsari, Ciamis, Saturday, February 29. At that time, he was cutting some bamboo to make a house fence.

While focusing on splitting bamboo, Ibnu saw an object that he considered suspicious. Most of the objects were buried in the ground. He decided to dig it up and found a bottle.

Initially, there was no strange feeling from the findings. However, when the bottle was looked at, there was something inside it. Ibnu immediately washed the bottle full of soil stains.

After the bottle was clean, Ibnu was shocked. The contents in the bottle are called two baby-like creatures with a slightly reddish color. His face is creepy. He also decided to keep the bottle.

The news of the findings immediately spread throughout the village. Ibn's house became the center of attention. Many residents gathered there just to see firsthand their findings.

Although it cannot be explained scientifically about the creature in the bottle, many people believe that it is a tuyul. Thus, the news of the findings was increasingly widespread to almost the entire Ciamis area.

With this phenomenon, it is as if people directly believe in mystical things, rather than first finding out their origins.

University of Indonesia Social Observer Devi Rahmawati said, there are two factors that cause Indonesians to believe more in mystical aspects.

First, related to knowledge and experience. Where, they have minimal references and receive education. So, prefer to believe in mystical. Although, it does exist.

Second, Indonesian society still has a client patron nature. This means that when there is someone with a higher social status or figure and believes in something, then other people will automatically believe in it.

"The level of education is a factor due to lack of references. Then, because of client patrons. It means that people with higher status will be imitated by the public," Devi told VOI, Wednesday, March 4.

In addition, the belief of the Indonesian people in mystical things is quite unique. In Indonesia, people tend to show all things that are related or have a mystical element. This is different from the one in Europe. They are more closed or do not open up clearly to these mystical things, even though they believe in them.

"(In Europe) it will not drop its credibility because it is considered not adhering to rationality. Even though they believe it. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, it is demonstrated," said Devi.

For this reason, several steps must be taken to at least help people realize this. Because it is undeniable that mystical things can be used as a mode of deception.

These steps can be started from short, medium and long term approaches. The goal is that people are not easily deceived or deceived by fraudulent modes that use mystical elements.

"The short-term approach is that the apparatus must be responsive to these fraudulent acts. So in the medium term, the media must always remind the public about such things. The long-term approach is education is certain," said Devi.