KPK Asked Not To Hesitate To Investigate The Role And Flow Of Entrepreneur M Suryo's Money In The DJKA Bribery Case

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) not to hesitate to investigate the involvement of businessman M. Suryo in the bribery case of the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). The receipt of money made and the flow must be investigated.

It is known, Suryo is said to have received money from the boss of PT Istana Putra Agung, Dion Renato Sugiarto, who is now a defendant. This gift is a sleeping fee or allotment from the participants who won to the losers during the project auction arrangement process.

"Based on information from Dion Renato Sugiarto's indictment, Suryo is suspected of receiving around Rp9.5 billion from the promised Rp11 billion. Now, starting from here, it is necessary to develop whether the receipt is stored or channeled to other parties. So the TPPU approach is also important," said ICW researcher Agus Sunaryanto to reporters, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 28.

Agus assessed that it was not difficult for the KPK to investigate the game allegedly carried out by Suryo. Various facts of the trial should be able to be the guide for investigators to develop in this case.

"In principle, the KPK works based on existing evidence, for example, what is obtained is based on the development of witness testimony and the defendant in the corruption court. It remains only to clarify whether it is done alone or with other people," he explained.

Agus also reminded the KPK not to be selective in investigating this case. Although M. Suryo is reported to have a close relationship with the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto, whoever participates in the game must be charged like other perpetrators.

The KPK must investigate anyone involved. Based on the available evidence or information. The principle is to return to strong evidence and information only. Anyone suspected of being involved will be immediately prosecuted, of course, integrity will be maintained," he said.

Suryo was previously mentioned in the indictment of the former Head of the Class 1 Railway Engineering Center for the Central Java region (Jabagteng) Putu Sumarjaya also received money. The receipt was made through an intermediary named Anis Syarifah.

In detail, he received a transfer on September 26, 2022 in the form of cash payments from Tato Suranto of IDR 3.5 billion and IDR 2.2 billion. Then, Suryo received IDR 1.7 billion from Freddy Nur Cahya and IDR 2.1 billion from Irhas Ivan Dhani.

In the indictment, he was also mentioned, together with entrepreneur Wahyudi Kurniawan, as a partner broker for a railway contractor.