President Jokowi Reminds Local Government: The Regional Budget Must Be In Line With Central Policy

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo gave special directions for local governments regarding the use of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) which according to him should be harmonized and synergized with central policies.

This was conveyed by Joko Widodo at the handover of the Digital Budget Implementation List (DIPA) and the 2024 Regional Transfer Allocation List (TKD) at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 29.

"Especially for local governments to strengthen synergy and harmonization with central government policies. This means that this APBD must be synergized and (there is) good harmonization with central government policies," said Jokowi.

The Head of State emphasized that harmonization of the use of the APBD with central policies is needed so that development in the country is more harmonious.

"Don't let the central government build reservoirs, (but) the irrigation that is the area's job is not to do, for what. Already built large ports, provincial roads, regency/city roads are not connected to the port, for what purpose. It has made toll roads, provincial governments, districts/cities should connect with industrial areas, tourist areas, agricultural areas, plantation areas, this is what I need to emphasize," he said.

The President also asked regions to take advantage of regional transfer funds to improve public services such as education, health, infrastructure and develop alternative financing innovations.

"In order to immediately maintain the investment climate because the key to economic growth now is only one, investment. Because the others are heavy, so the key is investment, so that we have to protect the investment climate in all regions throughout the country," he said.