If You Want To Slim Down, Do These 6 Habits Before Going To Bed

JAKARTA - There are a million ways to lose weight. However, this method can fail because it is not consistent in doing it. Therefore we need simple habits and do it regularly so that the body is slim.

For those of you who want to undergo a weight loss diet program, it will be effective if this is accompanied by simple and healthy habits as below.

Set the dinner hour

Eating too close an hour can lead to various negative risks to health, from rising stomach acid to glucose levels in the blood. To overcome this, it is necessary to set dinner hours.

According to nutrition experts, at least eat dinner three hours before bedtime. For example, if you go to bed at 10:00 p.m. it means that you eat the main course at 7 p.m. maximum. By giving a pause, the insulin secretion process is more effective at producing energy for activities before bed.

So, if you are too close to sleep, energy will be stored in the form of fat.

Provide protein snacks

Have you ever woken up from sleep because you are hungry? This is certainly not fun, especially now that it is easier than ever to take advantage of delivery services so that you have a greater chance of consuming carbohydrates, high cholesterol, and fast food.

To minimize the opportunity for impulsivity to order foods that can thwart the diet, it is necessary to keep a high-protein food stock, such as boiled eggs and nuts.

According to Upton, a dietitian, eating high-protein foods at night can help get to sleep quickly.

Limit the use of the gadget

It's cool to use the gadget that forgets the time it causes you to fall asleep late. The problem is psychological effects, such as anxiety. Both of these can trigger emotional eating and cause weight to crawl to gain.

Light exercise

Light exercises such as yoga for beginners can be done before bed. The benefits can improve blood circulation, balance your metabolism, and make you sleep better.

Set room temperature

The cooler the room temperature, the greater the energy burnt to warm the body. A study also found that with a low-temperature sleep will be more soundly. Plus, wear socks to feel more comfortable and warm.

Eat grapes

The risk of obesity can decrease by up to 40 percent if you regularly consume grape. This means that apart from keeping a stock of high protein foods, you need to keep fruit that contains polyphenols or some kind of antioxidant such as grapes.

The above habits you can routinely do before bed. Also, consider healthy food and regular exercise to balance out your efforts to slim down.