DPRD Urges DKI Provincial Government To Fulfill Lack Of Logistics Warehouse For Elections By No Later Than December 10

JAKARTA - Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD urges the DKI Provincial Government to immediately find a solution to the shortage of logistics storage and recapitulation of the 2024 General Election.

This issue was complained by the DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU). The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has lent all sports arenas (GOR) to each sub-district for election logistics storage.

However, there are still 11 GORs that are still being revitalized and have not yet been completely rebuilt. Several sub-districts have received alternative logistics warehouses, but there are still two sub-districts in Jakarta that do not yet have a logistics and recapitulation warehouse.

"This vote recapitulation place is very important. This must really have a solution," said Chairman of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Mujiyono in his statement, Wednesday, November 29.

Mujiyono said that his party would immediately summon the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government to find alternative places for logistics warehouses and election recapitulas no later than Sunday, December 10, 2023.

"The maximum on December 10 must be done. We have to agree that it will be resolved, met by the needs of the DKI Jakarta KPU. So we must make emphasis and supervision of this need to the executive," he said.

In the meeting of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, the Head of the DKI Jakarta KPU Planning and Logistics Division, Nelvia Gustina, said that there were still 11 GORs that were still revitalized and had not yet been completed. There is also a GOR that is not feasible as a logistics storage area.

Currently, the regency/city KPU in Jakarta has received phase 1 logistics containing ballot boxes, ballot booths, and plastic seales for each polling station (TPS).

Supposedly, this logistics should have been handed over in each sub-district on December 1, 2023. However, Nelvia regrets that there are still sub-districts that do not yet have a logistics storage area due to the revitalized GOR.

In fact, in the mandate of the law, local governments are required to provide facilities for electoral logistics storage locations to be used by the sub-district election committee (PPK) during the election stages.

"This GOR is revitalized in the election year. In our opinion, if the planning is mature, it should not be revitalized in the election year because we should be able to use it as a place of recapitulation," said Nelvia.

Nelvia admitted that there have been several replacement places for the GOR offered by the DKI Provincial Government, such as the hall of the government building to the former school building.

However, there are still two sub-districts, namely in Mampang and Kebayoran Lama which have not yet encountered alternative solutions for logistics and electoral recapitulation. Some of the sports halls used in other sub-districts still require minor improvements.